So if you truly enjoy a conspiracy, politically driven fiction Roman novel, Seven Deaths Of An Empire is an impressive addition to your list and fans of Roman times and grimdark will get a blast with this book.
Review: Empire of Blood and Sand by Alister Hodge
Review: Seven Deaths Of An Empire by G.R. Matthews
Dual Cover Reveal: The Order of Chaos & That Good Mischief (The Nine Worlds Rising #2-3) by Lyra Wolf
Cover Reveal: Blackcoat by Steve J. McHugh
Cover Reveal Blitz: Capture the Sky (Light of Faerie #2) by Allison Rose
Review: Best Served Cold (First Law World #4) by Joe Abercrombie
Author Chat – Ryan Cahill
Review: The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton
Turton paints a colourful canvas on the page with deft, short strokes of the pen. The beginning introduces us to a bleak scene, coloured in intrigue, mystery and horror. The flames that licked the leper’s rags only a taste of horror to come … and a scene that gripped me hard with a startling, eerie sense of place. From every cleverly chosen word that pulls you into the depths, further out to sea, Turton’s writing is a true marvel.
Guest Review: 3:33 AM by Luke Hindmarsh
Review: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
Review: The Way of Kings (Stormlight Archive #1) by Brandon Sanderson
aisle of a specific section in a library. You grab several large volumes to return to your table and your extensive research thesis you’ve been working on for years. You sit down and in front of you lays a thousand-book-pages book, and you sift through every page, drinking the excitement of investigation and glancing at sketches, pictures and schematics of times of old, slowly taking notes and drawing your own conclusions. This is how I felt while I was reading The Way of Kings. A rich study about an extensive world name Roshar with interesting characters and their history. Even after the first 1000 pages of this grossly engaging and epic adventure (4000-5000 pages total), I felt like I only scratched the surface.