Book Information:Birth of the Storm by Valerie StormSeries: Demon Storm #1Genre: YA FantasyIntended Age Group: 16 – 24Pages: 325Published: June 13, 2022Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing Book Blurb: Kari, a young wolf demon, learns her parents’ isolation is justified when they’re killed by humans from the village near their mountain home—humans who found them because of […]
Shadow Spark Publishing
Book Tour Q&A: Hands Like Secrets by Mariah Norris
Hello everyone and welcome to my stop on the Escapist Book Tours virtual book tour for Mariah Norris’ New Adult Fantasy novel Hands Like Secrets! Today, I am excited to kick off the tour by sharing an interview with the author!
SFF Addicts Ep. 20: Traditional, Indie & Self-Publishing (with Anthony Ryan, Krystle Matar, Michael R. Fletcher, Ben Galley & Jessica Moon)
Join host Adrian M. Gibson and authors Anthony Ryan, Krystle Matar, Michael R. Fletcher, Jessica Moon and Ben Galley as they compare and contrast traditional, indie and self-publishing. During the panel they discuss the viability of each publishing avenue, misconceptions about them, finding an agent, cover art and design, the editing process, distribution and marketing and much more. DISCLAIMER: This discussion is specifically about fantasy and sci-fi publishing.
Book Tour and Excerpt: Merchants of Knowledge and Magic (The Pentagonal Dominion #1) by Erika McCorkle
Hello everyone and welcome to my (second) stop on the Escapist Book Tours book tour for Erika McCorkle’s epic fantasy novel Merchants of Knowledge and Magic! I already posted a spotlight over on my Instagram account, but I wanted to follow that up by also posting an excerpt from the book just to give everyone a little taste of what they can find between the covers!
Review: The Isle of a Thousand Worlds (Weirdwater Confluence #2) by Dan Fitzgerald
Hello and welcome to my stop on the Escapist Book Tours Side Quest for The Isle of a Thousand Worlds by Dan Fitzgerald! I am super excited to join the tour by sharing my review of the book. You’ll find that down below along with details about the book and author, links to grab yourself […]
Review: The Isle of a Thousand Worlds (The Weirdwater Confluence, Book 2) by Dan Fitzgerald
Synopsis An aging alchemist seeks the key to the Universal Tincture said to unlock the Thousand Worlds of the Mind, but she never expected to solve the riddle of the hermetic heart. A meditation acolyte travels the mystical social media known as the Caravan and finds that the Thousand Worlds lie just below the surface, […]
Justin’s Top 10 Reads of 2021
Oh my gosh, what a year! 2021 has truly been a great year of reading for me. I may not have read the most books of any year this year, but I made up for it by reading more widely than I ever have before. I read my first ever self-published book this year and that proved to be a trend, with the vast majority of my books read being Indie.
Cover Reveal: The Isle of a Thousand Worlds (The Weirdwater Confluence Duology #2) by Dan Fitzgerald
Thanks to Justine and Timy over at Storytellers on Tour for allowing us here on FanFiAddict to join the Cover Reveal Blitz for The Isle of a Thousand Worlds. Also, an enormous shoutout to Dan on his upcoming release! Book Information The Isle of a Thousand Worlds by Dan Fitzgerald Series: The Weirdwater Confluence Duology (#2) Published: January […]
Review: Malevolent Nevers by Tom Rimer
Malevolent Nevers turned out to be everything that I love about horror: characters you care about, a mystery to be solved, and downright terrifying monsters. What I didn’t expect to find was an emotional connection that had me invested in the main characters from page one.
Guest Post: The Spiral Bookrack (And Why I Write Horror) by Tom Rimer
Inevitably, I always found myself drifting toward a distinct, spinning, metal, bookrack. This creaking carousel of haunted dreams was in a quiet, deliberately far-removed, corner of the library and housed—what I can only describe as—the most consequential collection of titles that this future horror author would ever stumble across.
Review: The Living Waters (Weirdwater Confluence #1) by Dan Fitzgerald
The Living Waters is the first in a new duology from Dan Fitzgerald, the author of The Maer Cycle trilogy of books. I haven’t read his other series, but they are now definitely being shuffled closer to the top of my TBR, as The Living Waters grabbed ahold of my heart from the first page and didn’t let go. It’s a story bursting at the seams with adventure, wonder, and heart, and it’s one that has catapulted itself to the top of my favorite reads this year.
Cover Reveal Blitz: The Living Waters (The Weirdwater Confluence #1) by Dan Fitzgerald
Thanks to Justine and Timy over at Storytellers on Tour for allowing us here on FanFiAddict to join the Cover Reveal Blitz for The Living Waters. Also, an enormous shoutout to Dan on his upcoming release! Book Information The Living Waters by Dan Fitzgerald Series: The Weirdwater Confluence (#1) Published: October 15, 2021 by Shadow Spark Publishing Genre: […]