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Author Interview: Rachel Harrison
Welcome back friends! I have the pleasure of sharing my interview with Rachel Harrison, author of titles such as Such Sharp Teeth, Black Sheep, Cackle, The Return, and very soon, So Thirsty. Releasing this upcoming Tuesday (Sept. 10), So Thirsty is a novel that absolutely rocked my world, not just for how entertaining Rachel’s writing…
SFF Addicts Ep. 120: Christian “Miles” Cameron talks Deep Black, Routine, History & More
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they chat with author Christian “Miles” Cameron about his new novel Deep Black, what he’s learned after publishing 50(!!!) novels, writing both speculative fiction and historical fantasy, his daily routine and staying productive, how worldbuilding and plotting tie together, trade and economy in fiction, travel experiences, genre as a construct, tabletop RPGs and much more.
Author Interview: Emily C. Hughes
Happy Friday Weenies and Horror Nerds alike! If you haven’t heard by now, Emily C. Hughes (queen of the horror book lists that keep my literary life organized) has written a STELLAR nonfiction book titled, Horror for Weenies: Everything You Need to Know About the Films You’re Too Scared to Watch. This book was such…
COVER REVEAL: Legend of Tal: A Queen’s Command – Deluxe Edition by J.D.L. Rosell
The Legend of Tal is back with the second deluxe edition! Pledge to campaign for A Queen’s Command, Book 2 in the bestselling epic fantasy series, to receive a book with: A textured, four-foil, faux-leather hardcover Gilded page edges and spine hubs Gorgeous interior illustrations and color endsheets And much more! If you missed the campaign…
SFF Addicts Ep. 119: Content Creation 101 with Evan Leikam, Mike’s Book Reviews & Kay’s Hidden Shelf (Masterclass Panel)
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn for a masterclass panel on Content Creation 101, featuring Evan Leikam from Book Reviews Kill, Mike from Mike’s Book Reviews and Kayla from Kay’s Hidden Shelf. During the panel, Evan, Mike and Kayla lay out the fundamentals for getting into content creation, including how they started, the big content platforms, editing software and recording equipment, content length on different platforms, algorithms and originality, connecting with your audience, monetization and advertising, reviewing books, receiving ARCs, relationships with publishers/authors and more.
Australian & New Zealand Author Showcase No 27 – Livia J Elliot
An idea squeezed into my head in 2023, after seeing so many of the book community gathering at conventions across the US and UK. And once my FOMO subsided, I got to thinking about who might be gathered together if we had similar conventions closer to home. Pending the master planning required to arrange a…