Synopsis The sixth novel of the galaxy-spanning Sun Eater series merges the best of space opera and epic fantasy, as Hadrian Marlowe continues down a path that can only end in fire. The end is nigh. It has been nearly two hundred years since Hadrian Marlowe assaulted the person of the Emperor and walked away […]
Getting Started in the Cyberpunk Genre: Top Books to Read
[This is an updated version of a script for one of my YouTube videos, which can be found here.] The cyberpunk genre is one of my favorite genres, not only in books but also in visual media. I love the aesthetic you typically see within this genre in games like Cyberpunk 2077 and Deus Ex. […]
Review: Wistful Ascending (The Hybrid Helix) by JCM Berne
Synopsis A superhero space opera for grownups. For fans of Guardians of the Galaxy or Invincible.Like Dragonball Z but wish it had a little more hard science fiction in it? The il’Drach Empire spans half a galaxy, built on the feet and fists of their Powered hybrid children. At eight Rohan of Earth learned that […]
Review: Ascendant (Songs of Chaos) by Michael R. Miller
Synopsis Holt Cook was never meant to be a dragon rider. He has always served the Order Hall of the Crag dutifully, keeping their kitchen pots clean. Until he discovers a dark secret: dragons do not tolerate weakness among their kin, killing the young they deem flawed. Moved by pity, Holt defies the Order, rescues […]
Review: DIEROCK 88 (Kosmonautai #1) by S.A. Ernster
Synopsis AS DARKNESS DESCENDS, ATLAS MUST RISE. In the sprawling tapestry of the Aurorion Galaxy, Atlas Viridian dreams of escaping the junk-strewn life of the Salvage Belt. However, his aspirations crumble when his father is arrested under suspicion of being the elusive terrorist, “Typhon.” Accused of aiding and abetting, Atlas is thrust into the relentless […]
Review: Theft of Fire (Orbital Space #1) by Devon Eriksen
Synopsis At the frozen edge of the solar system lies a hidden treasure which could spell their fortune or their destruction—but only if they survive each other first. Marcus Warnoc has a little problem. His asteroid mining ship—his inheritance, his livelihood, and his home—has been hijacked by a pint-sized corporate heiress with enough blackmail material to […]
Review: The Dryad’s Crown (Tales from Efre Ousel) by David Hopkins
Synopsis Four titans sleep beneath the earth.Only one fae can keep them from waking. Silbrey is an orphaned wood nymph, taken from her forest home and raised in the corrupt city of Penderyn. The fae child grows up unaware of who she is, what she can do, and the calling of her kind. Under the […]
Review: The Rest to the Gods (The Song of the Sleepers) by Joshua Walker
Synopsis On the peak of the Mountain Pass, the Four-Front War takes its final breaths. The walls are closing in. The allies are dwindling. The last front is on its knees. The Rest to the Gods is a prequel novella in The Song of the Sleepers, an epic fantasy series by Australian fantasy author Joshua […]