Synopsis ‘We Men of Ash and Shadow’ is the first book in the Vanguard Series and follows the journey of protagonist, John Vanguard, through the dark and corrupt city of D’Orsee. A Grimdark gas lamp novel, ‘We Men of Ash and Shadow’ explores themes of redemption, loyalty, and betrayal against the backdrop of a world […]
Self Published
Review: The Isle of a Thousand Worlds (Weirdwater Confluence #2) by Dan Fitzgerald
Hello and welcome to my stop on the Escapist Book Tours Side Quest for The Isle of a Thousand Worlds by Dan Fitzgerald! I am super excited to join the tour by sharing my review of the book. You’ll find that down below along with details about the book and author, links to grab yourself […]
FanFiAddict’s Top 3 #SPSFC Semi-Finalists
Team FanFiAddict announce their top 3 #SPSFC semi-finalists!
Congratulations to everyone who took part! We had a really strong pool of books to pick from and we highly recommend that you take the time to read some of the books that didn’t quite make the cut.
Review: Paladin Unbound by Jeffrey Speight
Synopsis Paladins were at one time a feared holy warrior in Evelium. Trained by the church and dedicated to the gods, they protected the world from evil. However, their power was so great it scared the rulers of their day and the church was forbidden from training any more Paladins. Hundred of years later the […]
Traveling Cloak’s Favorite Indie Reads of 2021
With so many great Indie authors writing books, I wanted to give them their own post to highlight all the good work being done. I think I read more Indie books than ever last year, and here are my favorites.
Review: The World Maker Parable (Adjacent Monsters #1) by Luke Tarzian
The World Maker Parable, by self-published author Luke Tarzian, is a prequel novella to his full-length debut Vultures. Set in the same world as Vultures, this novella is the first in his Adjacent Monsters series.
Book Tour Review: We Break Immortals (The Advent Lumina Cycle #1) by Thomas Howard Riley
We Break Immortals is the first book I have reviewed for 2022 and it has set the bar extremely high! Riley displays some of the most impressive worldbuilding and character work that I have ever seen. The amount of worldbuilding that is just casually littered throughout the book is staggering, yet it feels like there’s so much more to learn. It’s truly a testament to Riley’s skill and it serves to make the world really feel lived in. It’s not just a backdrop for the story to take place, but an active participant in the telling.
Book Tour: The Sword in the Street by C.M. Caplan
When I first dove into TSitS, I was immediately taken with Caplan’s use of language. He writes captivatingly, with vivid descriptions and intricate POVs that allow readers to truly know the characters in their own words. I’ve come across few other authors who are able to do that so spectacularly.
Review: Of Darkness and Light (The Bound and The Broken #2) by Ryan Cahill
For me personally Of Darkness and Light could have been 900 pages longer and it wouldn’t have mattered. It’s that epically good.
Ashley’s Top 10 Reads in 2021
Reflecting on my favorite books of the year is one of my favorite December activities. Here are my top 10 reads in 2021.
Justin’s Top 10 Reads of 2021
Oh my gosh, what a year! 2021 has truly been a great year of reading for me. I may not have read the most books of any year this year, but I made up for it by reading more widely than I ever have before. I read my first ever self-published book this year and that proved to be a trend, with the vast majority of my books read being Indie.
Lord TBR’s Top Reads of 2021
People seem to love lists, and while I am not always a huge fan of making them (I believe reviews speak for themselves), it is always fun to revisit the amazing novels I have had a chance to read over the last year. Below, you will find the covers for my Top 25 Reads of […]