The Exile is a novella that should not be skipped for fans of The Bound and The Broken. A story of devastating loss & brutal revenge, this is a tale told with finesse!
30 Fantasy Books Featuring Dragonriders
What fantasy reader hasn’t imagined themselves soaring above the clouds on the back of a beautiful and majestic dragon. Having a bond with a creature that inspires awe and terror has been the dream of many. Not to mention the added bonus of the ability to rain down fire and death on your enemies. I’ve […]
SFF Addicts Ep. 16: Dragons! (with Evan Winter, Ryan Cahill, Quenby Olson, Brian Naslund & Kerstin Espinosa Rosero)
Join host Adrian M. Gibson and authors Evan Winter, Ryan Cahill, Quenby Olson, Brian Naslund and Kerstin Espinosa Rosero as they delve into the mysterious and magical world of dragons. During the panel they discuss their personal histories with dragons, fresh and modern representations of the creature, dragon tropes and motifs and much more. There was also a solid twenty minutes or so towards the end where each panelist offers up amazing writing advice for the aspiring and working authors out there. Side note: this panel was beautiful chaos, featuring many mic drops, dick jokes (just the words, not actual jokes), crotch biting references and more.
Review: The Hunger of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Saga #2) by John Gwynne
This is an incredible sequel and I cannot understate that enough. Everything that was great about book one somehow only improved in book two.
Review: The Fall (The Bound & The Broken Novella) by Ryan Cahill
Synopsis: The Order have watched over the continent of Epheria for thousands of years. But there are those who believe The Order has had its day. That it is corrupt, indulgent, and deceitful – that it is ready to fall. The City of Ilnaen is on fire.Dragons fill the skies.Traitors fill the streets. The Fall […]