Synopsis The impossible has been accomplished. The Lord Ruler—the man who claimed to be god incarnate and brutally ruled the world for a thousand years—has been vanquished. But Kelsier, the hero who masterminded that triumph, is dead too, and now the awesome task of building a new world has been left to his young protégé, […]
Epic Fantasy
Review: The Darkest Dusk (Onyxborn Chronicles #2) by D.W. Ross
The Darkest Dusk is the second installment in D.W. Ross’ Onyxborn Chronicles series and the follow up to Cold from the North (which I reviewed earlier this year: review link). In the first book, I noted liking the plot, characters, and setting, but wanting more climactic events along the way to the end. In book 2, I think Ross did a nice of job sticking with what worked in the first book and expanding on those things while doing a better job with the narrative ups and downs.
Review: Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire #1) by Jay Kristoff
Empire of the Vampire is the powerful new book from Jay Kristoff, a book so colourful in themes yet ever shaded black and grey. It’s what would happen if The Name of the Wind developed a penchant for blood and vice. Not to mention that never have I ever been moved to such sadness by a prologue before. The undertones of despair, of a flame almost burnt out, but so desperate. Not for life, but for a drug. EOTV will bare its fangs first and ask questions later.
Review: Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire #1) by Jay Kristoff
Empire of the Vampire is sensational; a deliciously bloody slice of dark fantasy that leaves you thirsting for more. Vampires, violence, sex, drugs, and characters you can sink your teeth into come to a head in this epic story of love, friendship, loss, and revenge. This is Kristoff at the top of his game, and is only just the beginning of Gabriel de León’s story.
Review: The Thousand Names (The Shadow Campaigns #1) by Django Wexler
The Thousand Names was an incredible book one. A Military Fantasy filled with fantastic worldbuilding, compelling and unique characters, mysteries and intrigue that had me hooked, and a plot that had me constantly wanting more. A story that stands very well on its own, while at the same time hinting at so much more to come.
Review: Fury of a Demon (Dragons of Terra #3) by Brian Naslund
Fury of a Demon is the perfect conclusion. There, I said it. But what more do you want in a final book? There’re dragons; an enemy so warped in his own wicked image he seems undefeatable; a cannibal with a vengeance; Simeon and his wind, and a lot more. All of it wrapped in a fast-paced plot, full of answers, intrigue and as many twisted creations as Osyrus Ward can pump from Floodhaven Castle. I LOVED every word of this – not a single one misplaced. This book is John Wick and terminator’s love child on steroids, riding upon a dragon.
Review: Grog (The Ebon Blades #1) by RW Krpoun
I was surprised that a book with such an unassuming title could be this good. It’s not any kind of satire or play on tropes, but an epic fantasy that draws the reader in and doesn’t let go. You find yourself invested in these characters within the first chapter, and it will hold your attention throughout. If you are a fan of fantasy, this book should appeal to you. Check it out today!
Review: Fury of a Demon (Dragons of Terra #3) By Brian Naslund
The writing was amazing, and each time I felt something new was going to happen, it did. This novel is not predictable, and that’s a good thing. There’s always something new happening, and I cannot wait to see what happens when Vera and the group travel to see the lands beyond Taggerstan. There’s so much story brimming here, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the entire series here.
Review: The Justice in Revenge (The Fall of the Gods #2) by Ryan Van Loan
The Justice in Revenge is the second installment in Ryan Van Loan’s The Fall of the Gods series, and if you want to know more about book 1 (The Sin in the Steel) you can find my review at this link. Suffice to say, I thought it quite a jaunt and found myself really looking forward to book 2. Now that it is here I can say with confidence: The Justice in Revenge does not disappoint.
Review: Gunmetal Gods (Gunmetal Gods #1) by Zamil Akhtar
I first noticed this book a while back when I spotted the cover on Twitter. Who can blame me, right? It’s astounding and really sets up the tone of the whole book. Gunmetal Gods is pretty dark and fairly bleak at that. But, it works. This is a tale of grief, revenge, ambition, religious zealotry, and rage. It’s a military fantasy based on Middle Eastern history, especially that of the Ottoman Empire and the Crusades, with a distinctly Lovecraftian twist.
Blog Tour Review: Legacy of Light (The Legacy Trilogy #3) by Matthew Ward
Sometimes I struggle with reviews of series finales because I find it difficult to find something new to say. I have already spoken at-length about characters, plot, setting, writing style, emotional connection, etc. I try to stay away from repeating myself too much, because who wants to read that? (By the way, if you want to read my previous reviews, you can find them here: The Legacy of Ash (Book 1); The Legacy of Steel (Book 2).
Review: The House of Always (A Chorus of Dragons #4) by Jenn Lyons
The House of Always is book 4 in Jenn Lyons’ A Chorus of Dragons series, and I am just going to come out and say it: I loved this book. Not like, “hey y’all, this is a really good book”. Nope.
I. Loved. This. Book.