Summary: An impossible crime. A detective on the edge of madness. The future of time travel at stake. From the author of The Warehouse…. “An engrossing and thought-provoking sci-fi mystery that is also an achingly beautiful meditation on grief and the pain of lost love.” (S. A. Cosby, New York Times bestselling author of Razorblade Tears) […]
Cover Reveal: Ledge (The Glacian Trilogy #1) by Stacey McEwan
Book Blurb: If she has to cut her own fouled toes from her feet, she will. She will crawl to the bottom if she must. But even so, as the frost steals through her clothes and claims her by inches, she wonders if it wouldn’t be wiser not to follow him any longer. She wonders if it would hurt less to lie here and let the cold take her.
Dawsyn does not know what it is to live below. She was born on the Ledge—a prison with no need for walls and chains, an icy mountain shelf. When an opportunity to escape the Ledge presents itself for the first time in half a century, Dawsyn must take it. All she has to do is trust the very creature who kept her captive in the first place.
Review: The Jealousy of Jalice (A Disaster of Dokojin #1) by Jesse Nolan Bailey
The Jealousy of Jalice has been on my TBR for a long time now. Even before it was updated with the snazzy new cover that you see on the print edition now, I was drawn to the decidedly darker, original, cover. The promise made by the original cover, more so than the updated one, is that of a dark and terrifying story. I am happy to say that it delivered on that promise and then some!
Book Review/Tour: The Spawn of Spiracy (A Disaster of Dokojin #2) by Jesse Nolan Bailey
Synopsis The Sachem has fled his Fortress. Many fear that he intends to turn on the Decayer Device. Hoping to stop this, Annilasia resolves to track down the Sachem. But her plan falters when she discovers that, should the Sachem succeed in turning on the Device, the dokojin attached to her will rip her apart. […]
Review: The Hunger of the Gods by John Gwynne
Hunger of the Gods is the second book in the epic Bloodsworn trilogy by John Gwynne and is another amazing entry in the series. When I first read Shadow of the Gods, I was blown away and the well written characters and breathtaking action. Hunger of the Gods delivers more of the same great cast (including a new highlight) but suffers from a few pacing issues and middle book syndrome. (some spoilers for the first book follow)
Review: The Blood Trials (The Blood Gift Duology #1) by N. E. Davenport
I loved N. E. Davenport’s The Blood Trials. I went into this book without any expectations and turned the final page both surprised and satisfied. It offers up a complex world, rife with geopolitical conflicts, futuristic technologies and awesome fight scenes. But it also introduces a dark, supernatural magic system that plays into the racial and social dynamics of its corrupt society. All of this combines for a solid debut and a wondrous world that I can’t wait to read more of.
Review: Of Honey and Wildfires (Songs of Sefate #1) by Sarah Chorn
I’m going to start by saying wow, I was utterly blown away by Sarah Chorn’s lyrical writing. It took me a moment to get used to because it’s such a different writing style to what I usually read, but quickly enough I was swept up in the writing.
Of Honey and Wildfires has a Western-meets-fantasy vibe. There’s the Company who control the entire region where Shine is found, and then there’s the people that live within this territory. These people seem to be lacking in terms of technology and medical care found outside the Company territory. It provides a great backdrop for this stunning story.
SFF Addicts Ep. 16: Dragons! (with Evan Winter, Ryan Cahill, Quenby Olson, Brian Naslund & Kerstin Espinosa Rosero)
Join host Adrian M. Gibson and authors Evan Winter, Ryan Cahill, Quenby Olson, Brian Naslund and Kerstin Espinosa Rosero as they delve into the mysterious and magical world of dragons. During the panel they discuss their personal histories with dragons, fresh and modern representations of the creature, dragon tropes and motifs and much more. There was also a solid twenty minutes or so towards the end where each panelist offers up amazing writing advice for the aspiring and working authors out there. Side note: this panel was beautiful chaos, featuring many mic drops, dick jokes (just the words, not actual jokes), crotch biting references and more.
Cover Reveal: Sins of the Mother (The War Eternal #4) by Rob J Hayes
Welcome to another cover reveal at Fanfiaddict. This one for the 4th book in The War Eternal series by Rob J Hayes! Before we get to the cover reveal, I wanted to make sure you all knew about the special edition hardcovers with all new illustrations that will be coming out for all of the […]
Book Tour: Plutoshine by Lucy Kissick
Synopsis Terraforming — the mega-scale engineering of a planet’s surface to one more Earth-like — is now commonplace across the Solar System, and Pluto is set to be the most ambitious transformation yet. Four billion miles from the Sun and two hundred degrees below zero, what this worldlet needs is light and heat. Through captured […]
Book Tour Review: Oil and Dust (The Elemental Artist, Book 1) by Jami Fairleigh
Synopsis When all has been lost, we find ourselves… Out of the ashes of destruction, a new world has arisen. The plagues of the past—the worship of greed and pursuit of power—are gone. Now, the communities that remain in this post-apocalyptic world focus on creating connections, on forging futures filled with family and love. And […]
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
The Kaiju Reservation Society is wondrous, an adventure in a new world – like Godzilla movies? Read about the ‘real’ thing. This book scratches the Kaiju movie itch for me, I’ve been a huge fan for years, and if you like them, you’ll want to read this.