Synopsis: The Martian meets Multiplicity in Edward Ashton’s high concept science fiction thriller, in which Mickey7, an “expendable,” refuses to let his replacement clone Mickey8 take his place. Dying isn’t any fun…but at least it’s a living. Mickey7 is an Expendable: a disposable employee on a human expedition sent to colonize the ice world Niflheim. […]
Review: Vengewar (Wake the Dragon #2) by Kevin J. Anderson
Vengewar is the second release in Kevin J. Anderson’s Wake the Dragon series, a story for which I had high hopes coming in. If you read my review of book 1 (if you have not, you can do so HERE), you know that I was disappointed but ultimately decided the series had enough potential to continue with it. I am mostly happy about that decision, as I did enjoy book 2 more and the setup going into book 3 is very intriguing.
Shattered Dreams (Light in the Dark #1) by Ulff Lehmann
Synopsis – Epic Fantasy filled to the brim with Grimdark Reality If one looks too long into the abyss, the abyss looks back. Drangar Ralgon has been avoiding the abyss’s gaze for far too long and now he turns to face it. For a hundred years the young kingdom of Danastaer has thrived in peace. […]
Review: The Justice of Kings (Empire of the Wolf #1) by Richard Swan
Synopsis As an Emperor’s Justice, Sir Konrad Vonvalt always has the last word. His duty is to uphold the law of the empire using whatever tools he has at his disposal: whether it’s his blade, the arcane secrets passed down from Justice to Justice, or his wealth of knowledge of the laws of the empire. […]
Review: The Engineer (A Chronicles of Actaeon Story) by Darran Handshaw
Synopsis “We are born in the shadow of fading memories and fallen dreams, living our days within the decaying bones of an age long gone.” When the Engineer, Actaeon, arrives at Pyramid in the heart of Redemption, nothing goes according to plan. Mysterious raiders pursue him relentlessly across the shattered remains of the ancient metropolis, […]
Review: Unsouled (Cradle #1) by Will Wight
Unsouled was a book that gripped me right from the start; reader, I read this book voraciously in two sittings whilst on my honeymoon. It’s the perfect storm of everything I love: anime, manga, Asian-inspired fantasy novels, tv shows … the list really does go on.
Review: Spine of the Dragon (Wake the Dragon #1) by Kevin J. Anderson
Spine of the Dragon is the first release in Kevin J. Anderson’s Wake the Dragon series. I was really excited going in to this book, as the synopsis mentions many of the aspects I love about fantasy novels: ancient gods, big battles, and dragons. Unfortunately, though, it missed the mark for me.
Review: Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton
Synopsis A finalist for the 2020 Thurber Prize for American Humor! “The Secret Life of Pets meets The Walking Dead” in this big-hearted, boundlessly beautiful romp through the Apocalypse, where a foul-mouthed crow is humanity’s only chance to survive Seattle’s zombie problem (Karen Joy Fowler, PEN/Faulkner Award-winning author). S.T., a domesticated crow, is a bird […]
Book Tour: The Engineer by Darran Handshaw
Thanks to Sara & Justin @ Escapist Tours for allowing me the opportunity to join in on the Book Tour for The Engineer. Big shoutout to Darran for a fantastic chat and a novel I can’t wait to sink my teeth into! Below, you will find information on the book, my YouTube chat with the author himself, links to purchase, and information […]
Guest Post: An Introduction to The Dandelion Dynasty by Ken Liu
Welcome to Dara! This series took up the bulk of my time and creative energy over a ten-year period. I learned a lot about myself as a writer, as a father, as a husband, as a grandchild, as a technologist, as a lawyer, and as a person. I can’t wait to take you and other […]
Review: Spirit’s End (The Legend of Eli Monpress #5) by Rachel Aaron
Synopsis Eli Monpress is clever, he’s determined, and he’s in way over his head. First rule of thievery: don’t be a hero. When Eli broke the rules and saved the Council Kingdoms, he thought he knew the price, but resuming his place as the Shepherdess’s favorite isn’t as simple as bowing his head. Now that […]
The Blood of the Spear (The Eye of Eternity #1) by Mark Timmony
Synopsis Two brothers. One prophecy. A world on the edge of destruction. Living in the dangerous Borderland Wilds, Kaiel and Darien have supported each other and looked after their fragile mother for as long as they can remember. Honing his skills to protect his home, Kaiel has trained to become a Daemon Hunter while Darien […]