Queensdaughter is Amanda Ylva’s debut novel, and the first installment in the author’s The Queensdaughter Trilogy. The book follows two sisters after they are attacked by evil creatures called the skaiga. Their home destroyed, each sister must choose her path wisely.
Review: The Master of Whitestorm by Janny Wurts
Review: Of Blood and Fire (The Bound and the Broken #1) by Ryan Cahill
Review: Small Places by Matthew Samuels (SPFBO Entry)
Review: The God is Not Willing (Witness #1) by by Steven Erikson
Author Chat – Brian Staveley
Author Chat – Gabriela Houston
Review & Author Chat: When the Sparrow Falls by Neil Sharpson
Review: Nophek Gloss (The Graven #1) by Essa Hansen
Nophek Gloss is Essa Hansen’s debut and the first in the author’s The Graven series. I have seen some categorize this book as Space Opera, but I do not see the sweeping elements one normally finds in a book characterized as such. In my opinion, this is just good Science Fiction. The caveat to this statement is twofold: 1) I am not very good at labeling sub-genres, and 2) Sometimes with SciFi it is the second book in the series that really develops the epic scope that can broaden the horizons to push the series into Space Opera territory. So, I will reserve final judgement for now, but know that this is the context into which my review is framed.