Words cannot express how much I have enjoyed reading this book as it has expanded my horizon, not only in terms of western novels, but mystery and horror novels as well. Readers who need to care about their characters will adore the Six-Gun Tarot and the mysteries behind them all. Fans of Stephen Kings Dark Tower series would also feel at home in this world as they strap in for a wild ride. The Six-Gun Tarot will only leave you wanting more because Mr. Belcher just keeps on delivering the goods. Enjoy the journey and I hope it never ends.
Review: The Justice of Kings by Richard Swan
Embracing the DNF: 3 Reasons It’s Okay to Read Something Else
Review: Dare to Know by James Kennedy
James Kennedy has crafted a premise and a novel that starts in one place, and ends up somewhere completely and utterly different. It only takes 300 pages but it works perfectly and at no point does it feel rushed, or like anything is missing. We follow our narrator in across almost his entire life. Intertwined with the present day parts are bits and pieces from his past. It ranges from Physics camp with his new best friend, days out with his ex-girlfriend and affairs while he travels. Every moment is important, every moment somehow leads into that ending. You get something entirely different to what the blurb promises, but in the best possible way.
Review: The City We Became (Great Cities #1) by N. K. Jemisin
Well, this review has been a long time coming. Very rarely do I find myself so conflicted by a book, but N. K. Jemisin’s latest, The City We Became, left my emotions mixed and two months later I finally feel I can deconstruct the reasons why. With this book, I had no idea what to expect, but I knew it wouldn’t be an easy read. Despite my suspicions being confirmed, I came out the other side both captivated and frustrated.
Guest Post: Why We Write (Because We Must) by Phil Williams
While every writer’s exact reasons for writing, and their journey, is unique in many ways, I’ve got an idea that there are two things we have in common that fuel our motivation. These are the reasons we keep writing without reward, even where no immediate audience or revenue stream is apparent, and why we keep yearning for opportunities to be noticed, and keep submitting and submitting and submitting. Through understanding this, I feel we can go a distance towards explaining how we interact with our own writing, readers, the submissions process and more. And on the flipside I guess it can help give readers some insight into the Groundhog Day-esque hellscape of a career writer’s mind.
Review: Light Chaser by Peter F. Hamilton and Gareth Powell
For context, and giving no spoilers, the story centers on a Light Chaser, or Amahle, a sort of interplanetary goddess whose responsibility is to travel through a universe packed with planets and gather/provide collars to its habitants to collect memories for a higher power. But this is the setup. Where the story quickly gets interesting is in its enigmatic character that keeps popping up who quickly challenges Amahle’s status quo and therefore sets a series of events that will change everything.
Reveal: Hardcover Editions of Zack Argyle’s Threadlight Series
Today, we are excited to be joining author Zack Argyle in announcing that there are new Hardcover editions of both Voice of War and Stones of Light! They have beautiful wrap-around jackets and a custom cover inside. Signed copies are available for purchase on Zack’s website.
Review: Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw
o in conclusion, not one for me. But if you’ve never read horror or just starting out, and love short stories with a strong-internal-dialogue-prose driven narrative, then Nothing But Blackened Teeth might just be a great novella for you.
Review: The Liar of Red Valley by Walter Goodwater
The Liar of Red Valley is listed as an “occult fiction” book and “magical realism”. I guess that makes sense, because it probably falls short of horror, even though there is a lot of creepiness. I really enjoyed it, and I have no problem saying it is an early entry into spooky season.
Book Tour: The Blood of the Spear (The Eye of Eternity #1) by Mark Timmony
Hello and welcome to FanFiAddict’s stop on the book tour for Mark Timmony’s The Blood of the Spear (The Eye of Eternity #1). We want to thank Justine & Timy @ Storytellers on Tour for letting us be involved, and a big shoutout to Mark on this fantastic epic of a novell!
Review: Artifact Space (Arcana Imperii #1) by Miles Cameron
The protagonist, Marca Nbaro, practically hits the ground running right from the get go and along with her, the reader is propelled into a plot full of character interactions you live for, a long list of mysteries waiting to be solved, and a brand new fascinating world whose main undercurrent is hope, learning to trust others, and the beauties of trading cultures.