Empire of the Vampire is the powerful new book from Jay Kristoff, a book so colourful in themes yet ever shaded black and grey. It’s what would happen if The Name of the Wind developed a penchant for blood and vice. Not to mention that never have I ever been moved to such sadness by a prologue before. The undertones of despair, of a flame almost burnt out, but so desperate. Not for life, but for a drug. EOTV will bare its fangs first and ask questions later.
Blog Blitz Review: My Sweet Girl by Amanda Jayatissa
Thank you to Berkley for having me along for their Blog Blitz for My Sweet Girl by Amanda Jayatissa! This atmospheric thriller is a slow-build but it had my hair standing on edge for the first half of the novel.
Review: Uzumaki by Junji Ito
Uzumaki is deserving of its accolades… With incredible artwork, genuinely frightening moments and scenes and events that will stick with me forever (and I know for a fact it will inspire my own writing), I urge all fans of horror or dark manga to give this a go.
Review: From The Neck Up And Other Stories by Aliya Whiteley
moment I read and loved Skyward Inn and From The Neck Up just cemented this. Each and every story stands out and there isn’t a single story that is weaker than the others. Whiteley is a power house in spec fic writing and you just need to start reading her works if you haven’t already.
Author Chat – D.W. Ross
Join David as he chats with author D.W. Ross about his fantasy series, The Onyxborn Chronicle, starting with Cold From the North and moving onto The Darkest Dusk. They also share their mutual childhood fear of thick fantasy novels, which still stands (pun intended) today in some form or fashion – among other things.
Review: Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire #1) by Jay Kristoff
Empire of the Vampire is sensational; a deliciously bloody slice of dark fantasy that leaves you thirsting for more. Vampires, violence, sex, drugs, and characters you can sink your teeth into come to a head in this epic story of love, friendship, loss, and revenge. This is Kristoff at the top of his game, and is only just the beginning of Gabriel de León’s story.
Cover Reveal Blitz: The Living Waters (The Weirdwater Confluence #1) by Dan Fitzgerald
Thanks to Justine and Timy over at Storytellers on Tour for allowing us here on FanFiAddict to join the Cover Reveal Blitz for The Living Waters. Also, an enormous shoutout to Dan on his upcoming release! Book Information The Living Waters by Dan Fitzgerald Series: The Weirdwater Confluence (#1) Published: October 15, 2021 by Shadow Spark Publishing Genre: […]
Review: Northern Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt
It is that time of year where I’m ramping up my Norse mythology reads in preparation for Spells & Spaceships Norsevember extravaganza. I kicked off a little early this year with Northern Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt.This is a tale of survival, cunning, and strength amidst the chaos.
Review: The Thousand Names (The Shadow Campaigns #1) by Django Wexler
The Thousand Names was an incredible book one. A Military Fantasy filled with fantastic worldbuilding, compelling and unique characters, mysteries and intrigue that had me hooked, and a plot that had me constantly wanting more. A story that stands very well on its own, while at the same time hinting at so much more to come.
Review: The Body Scout by Lincoln Michel
The Body Scout is my first Lincoln Michel book, and I have to say I was impressed with the writing, for the most part. Lots of intrigue and mystery, and characters with interesting storylines. The author did a great job of catching – and keeping – my interest.
Author Chat – Brian Naslund
Join David as he chats with author Brian Naslund about Fury of a Demon, the third and final novel in his Dragons of Terra trilogy from Tor Books.
Review: Among Thieves by M.J. Kuhn
Before I tell you why I cherished this book (without spoilers), I simply want to say WOW. Among Thieves is a first-novel triumph for M.J. Kuhn and in my top ten list for 2021! M.J. demonstrated she had a marvelous writing ability and just carved herself a seat at the table with the brilliant authors of our time, and can’t wait to read what she comes up with next. Bravo!