The Spirit Rebellion managed to bring what was great about book 1 back to the table and improve upon it in every way, adding important elements to the story that made the characters more compelling and increased my investment in the story.
12 Books I hope to read in 2022 (but please could the Sands of Time slow down a bit so I can actually catch up, thanks)
Review: Jade War (The Green Bone Saga #2) by Fonda Lee
Jade War by Fonda Lee increased everything I loved about the first book and made for a truly breathless read. While the first book was enjoyable, something about it was lacking for me. This sequel expelled any doubts and was a fantastic continuation of the story. (minor spoilers for the first book follow)
Book Tour: The Sword in the Street by C.M. Caplan
When I first dove into TSitS, I was immediately taken with Caplan’s use of language. He writes captivatingly, with vivid descriptions and intricate POVs that allow readers to truly know the characters in their own words. I’ve come across few other authors who are able to do that so spectacularly.
Cover Reveal: The Blood of Outcasts (The Bane Sword Trilogy #1) by D.A. Smith
Thanks to Dan for allowing the home team to go bat for him with this cover reveal for his debut historical fantasy novel, The Blood of Outcasts. Dan is a phenomenal reviewer and writer for us here at FFA and we wish him the best with this publication and the many more to come! Make […]
The Cruel Stars (The Cruel Stars #1) by John Birmingham
Combat Intellects, mechs with humans written from a source code, old family dynasties, more advanced tech than you can throw a stick at, and that’s just in the first chapter. It’s a smorgasbord of everything that’s cool about modern science fiction; it’s bonkers in all the right ways. It would definitely suit fans of explosive space battles in series like the Expanse and the body-switching, souls uploaded into chips, and other weird tech of Altered Carbon.
Most Anticipated SFF Novellas for 2022
Come discover the 2022 SFF novellas that are most anticipated.
15 Indie/Self Published Series I Plan to Start in 2022
I have a ridiculous amount of Indie/Self-Published SFF on my TBR. I’ve loved supporting indie authors in the past and I hope by reading and reviewing most of these to continue that. Plus, all of these stories sound so intriguing! Without further ado, here are the 15 indie/self published series I want to get to […]
5 Trad-Published Books/Series I Plan to Start in 2022
I did this same post for last year for overall books I wanted to read in 2021. I managed to start 3 out of the 5 series that I had planned on. With me being a mood reader I am honestly kinda impressed with myself that I even read that many. This year I am […]
Cover Reveal: A Touch of Light (The Ashes of Avarin #1) by Thiago Abdalla
We at FFA want to thank Thiago for allowing us to reveal the cover for his upcoming epic fantasy debut, A Touch of Light. This book sounds phenomenal, and the best news of all – IT COMES OUT IN MARCH!!!! Come check out the cover, book blurb, info on the author, and where you can […]
Blaise’s Top 10 reads in 2021!
Hello all! As 2021 comes to a close I had an absolute blast making my way through my ever-growing TBR. Making a top 10 list was very difficult, but I followed my gut and came up with 10 books that have really stuck out to me. Also, I have decided to only list one book […]
Review: Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes
Dead Silence is author S.A. Barnes’ lates release (and the first under that name, though the author has a whole portfolio of titles – mostly YA – under the name Stacey Kade). I thought this was a really good read, and it is exactly as billed: it’s the Titanic in space but also murdery with a touch of reality TV.