Split Paths is the second installment in Thomas Devens’ Fall of Emros series. It follows members of the Emrosian Empire, as they navigate their way through war-ridden lands and dangerous territory. The story is written in the style of Epic Fantasy, but I do not think the scope is quite enough to be considered Epic. I would categorize it more as Classic Fantasy, bordering on Epic.
Self Published
Review: Split Paths (Fall of Emros #2) by Thomas J. Devens
For the Love of Indies: 8 Self-Published Books to Add to Your TBR
Last week while I was doing my usual aimless scrolling through Twitter, I came across a call for any bloggers who wanted to participate in a secret project involving self published books, I knew I had to join in. It turns out that what Jodie from Witty & Sarcastic Book Club has envisioned is a Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week! So, join me today as I run you through 8 self-published books (and a few honorable mentions) that I think you should go ahead and add to your immediate TBR.
Map Reveal and Q&A: We Break Immortals (The Advent Lumina Cycle #1) by Thomas Howard Riley
Hello all and welcome to my first ever map reveal! Oh, I am so excited to share a couple of wonderful maps for Thomas Howard Riley’s upcoming debut, We Break Immortals. The maps have long been one of my favorite things about finding a new fantasy story, so when I saw Thomas, who’s as map crazy as I am, talking about potentially doing a reveal for his upcoming debut, I jumped on the chance to help him out with it.
Author Chat – L.L. MacRae
SPFBO 7 Interview: T.M. Baumgartner
Hello everyone and welcome to our first author interview for the 7th annual Self Published Fantasy Blog Off! I’ve been working on reaching out to each of the authors who have landed in our batch of books for the competition to see if they would be interested in being interviewed or contributing a guest article in an attempt to drum up a little extra excitement for their book and (hopefully) get to know them a bit better.
Author Chat – Ryan Cahill
SPFBO 7 Guest Post: Writing Historical Fantasy by Christopher Matson
Hello everyone and welcome to our latest guest post for the 7th annual Self Published Fantasy Blog Off! I have been working on reaching out to each of the authors who have landed in our batch of books for the competition to see if they would be interested in being interviewed or contributing a guest article in an attempt to drum up a little extra excitement for their book and (hopefully) get to know them a bit better. And now, Christopher Matson joins us today with a few great tips on writing historical fantasy and a brief overview of the genre!
Review: Queensdaughter (The Queensdaughter Trilogy #1) by Amanda Ylva
Queensdaughter is Amanda Ylva’s debut novel, and the first installment in the author’s The Queensdaughter Trilogy. The book follows two sisters after they are attacked by evil creatures called the skaiga. Their home destroyed, each sister must choose her path wisely.
Oathbreaker by A.J. Rettger
SPFBO 7 Guest Post: Loveable Rogues by Jeffrey L. Kohanek
Hello everyone and welcome to our first guest post for the 7th annual Self Published Fantasy Blog Off! I have been working on reaching out to each of the authors who have landed in our batch of books for the competition to see if they would be interested in being interviewed or contributing a guest article in an attempt to drum up a little extra excitement for their book and (hopefully) get to know them a bit better. Jeffrey L. Kohanek joins us today to talk a bit about his love for the lovable rogues character archetype!