When the Sparrow falls is a literary scifi spy thriller in the vein of Altered Carbon meets the Iron Curtain – set in a future where people can have their consciousness digitized. The Triumvirate are, George, Athena and Confucius, three Super AI who rule the world apart from Caspian, a state that rejects all the Machine would offer and places strict law and harsh judgement on anyone using said tech from within their territory; it’s a place which finds comfort in state executions, and the only real escape is a bullet through the head or a needle in the back of the neck … if you can find Yoshik.
Review: The Girl from the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag
ARC Review – The Desert Prince by Peter V. Brett
Review: When the Sparrow Falls by Neil Sharpson
Review: Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca
Review: Shards of Earth (The Final Architects Trilogy #1) by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Review: Goodbye to the Sun (Wind Tide #1) by Jonathan Nevair
Review: Rabbits by Terry Miles
Review: Razorblade Tears by S. A. Cosby
Review: For the Wolf (Wilderwood #1) by Hannah Whitten
Review: Vampires Never Get Old: Tales With a Fresh Bite edited by Zoradia Córdova and Natalie C. Parker
I debated for a little while the best way to review this book, it felt too general to just do a summary so I’m doing a bunch of mini reviews for the stories we get within this anthology. Overall, I enjoyed this, there are some stand-out stories and a few that have already faded from memory. I feel that this is the case with most anthologies and with the exception of V. E. Schwab the authors are all new to me! Don’t ask me how but that’s just how my reading has worked out.