Join Adrian M. Gibson and P. Djèlí Clark for Part Two of their chat, where they dive into his new novel A Master of Djinn: how he built the world, incorporating magic and history, how the novel reflects our own world and much more.
For the Love of Indies: 8 Self-Published Books to Add to Your TBR
Last week while I was doing my usual aimless scrolling through Twitter, I came across a call for any bloggers who wanted to participate in a secret project involving self published books, I knew I had to join in. It turns out that what Jodie from Witty & Sarcastic Book Club has envisioned is a Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week! So, join me today as I run you through 8 self-published books (and a few honorable mentions) that I think you should go ahead and add to your immediate TBR.
Author Chat – Ryan Van Loan
Map Reveal and Q&A: We Break Immortals (The Advent Lumina Cycle #1) by Thomas Howard Riley
Hello all and welcome to my first ever map reveal! Oh, I am so excited to share a couple of wonderful maps for Thomas Howard Riley’s upcoming debut, We Break Immortals. The maps have long been one of my favorite things about finding a new fantasy story, so when I saw Thomas, who’s as map crazy as I am, talking about potentially doing a reveal for his upcoming debut, I jumped on the chance to help him out with it.
Books That Made Me Cry Like A Lil’ Baby
Get your tissues ready (and for you lizard folk out there, prime your tongues) as you’re going to be dabbing at your seeing-balls after reading these books!
SPFBO 7 Interview: Phillip Murrell
Hello everyone and welcome to our latest author interview for the 7th annual Self Published Fantasy Blog Off! I’ve been working on reaching out to each of the authors who have landed in our batch of books for the competition to see if they would be interested in being interviewed or contributing a guest article in an attempt to drum up a little extra excitement for their book and (hopefully) get to know them a bit better.
Author Chat: P. Djèlí Clark (Part One)
Join Adrian M. Gibson and P. Djèlí Clark for Part One of their chat about Clark’s childhood, his writing journey, publishing, campy ’80s nostalgia, creative inspiration and much more.
Author Chat – L.L. MacRae
SPFBO 7 Interview: T.M. Baumgartner
Hello everyone and welcome to our first author interview for the 7th annual Self Published Fantasy Blog Off! I’ve been working on reaching out to each of the authors who have landed in our batch of books for the competition to see if they would be interested in being interviewed or contributing a guest article in an attempt to drum up a little extra excitement for their book and (hopefully) get to know them a bit better.
5 Of My Favorite Tropes and Where To Find Them
Review: The Winter of Winters (The Histories of Sphax #2) by Robert M. Kidd
218 BC. Hannibal’s exhausted army staggers down from the last Alpine pass like a rabble of half-starved savages, the remnants of a once magnificent army that had set out from the Rhodanus with such hope. Now there is no way back. With the legions of Consul Publius Scipio closing fast, Carthage needs its Gaulish allies like never before. But where are the Insubres? Where are the Boii? Where are the thousands of warriors pledged by solemn oath? In the maelstrom of battle, Sphax, nephew of Hannibal, forges a reputation as the scourge of Rome. But will his ingrained recklessness and quest for honour set him at odds with the forbidding genius of his uncle? Only one thing is certain in this winter of winters, a great battle is coming that will decide the fates of Rome and Carthage.
The Drug in Me is Me — Neurodivergence in Fiction
Hello all, and welcome to this week’s article for FanFiAddict’s series on Neurodivergence in Fiction. I cannot understate how appreciative I am for the overwhelming amount of support and enthusiasm I have seen for this series of mine; thank you! For the next several months we will be bringing you a guest post every Wednesday from a neurodivergent author. This will hopefully highlight some of the challenges that come with writing for a largely neurotypical audience, while also giving valuable insight to the craft itself and providing a window into the neurodivergent experience — at least through the lens of fiction.