Here are my (Harry’s) favourite reads of 2022! Come check them out!
Blog Tour Q&A: Worldbuilding with Mark Timmony (Author of Starbinder)
A Q&A on worldbuilding with Mark Timmony, author of Starbinder & Blood of the Spear. Part of the Escapist Book Tours tour for Starbinder.
Blog Tour Review: Essex Dogs (Essex Dogs #1) by Dan Jones
Essex Dogs is a triumphant novel, full of moments, people and ideas that will stick with me for a very long time.
Review: Of Blood & Fire (The Bound & The Broken #1) by Ryan Cahill
For me, Of Blood & Fire feels like a love letter to classic, traditional fantasy. Ryan Cahill is passionate about the fantasy genre. I thoroughly enjoyed Of Blood & Fire and I look forward to getting to the chonky sequel!
Review: The Citrine Key (Dragon Spirits #0.5) by L.L. MacRae
The Citrine Key is fantastical in every sense of the word… it’s so much fun that you’d be silly to pass up on it.
Review: Tender Is The Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica
Be prepared to be very uncomfortable for 200 plus pages, and maybe think about switching to a vegan diet whilst you’re at it.
Review: The Bladed Faith (The Vagrant Gods #1) by David Dalglish
The Bladed Faith is, without a doubt, a whole lot of fun… I recommend this book to everyone, however I whole heartedly believe it is essential for lovers of anime and the golden age of Square JRPGs…
Review: Promise of Blood (Powder Mage #1) by Brian McClellan
Brandon Sanderson once blurbed the Powder Mage trilogy, calling it “just plain awesome”… I can safely say I totally agree with him!
Harry’s Top 10 Reads of 2021
2021 is now a number of weeks in the rearview mirror, and frankly, good riddance to it. In a year that gave the dumpster fire of 2020 a run for its money, it was pretty crap for everyone all round. However, one thing that wasn’t crap, and something we can rely on no matter when, […]
Review: The Shadow of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Saga #1) by John Gwynne
Take it from me and the other 9 people on this blog that have reviewed it, Shadow of the Gods is a brilliant read!
12 Books I hope to read in 2022 (but please could the Sands of Time slow down a bit so I can actually catch up, thanks)
Review: Uzumaki by Junji Ito
Uzumaki is deserving of its accolades… With incredible artwork, genuinely frightening moments and scenes and events that will stick with me forever (and I know for a fact it will inspire my own writing), I urge all fans of horror or dark manga to give this a go.