The Call of the Bone Ships is part 2 in R.J. Barker’s The Tide Child Trilogy, and, in my opinion, while it does represent an expansion on the first book in the series, The Bone Ships, and presents some similarities it is also very different in a lot of ways. That being said, I still found it to be a very enjoyable read.
Review: The Warded Man (Demon Cycle #1) by Peter V. Brett
The Warded Man, published as The Painted Man in the UK, is one of the best epic fantasy books that I have read in a long time. Like most of the things I read, for one reason or another I put off reading this one entirely too long. Because of my manic compulsion to buy everything I see that even remotely piques my interest, I bought this book several years ago and it has languished in my TBR ever since.
Review: Never Die (Mortal Techniques #1) by Rob J. Hayes
Never Die combines the best parts of Wuxia cinema and Shōnen anime with the golden era of role-playing games and a splash of Dungeons & Dragons. The plot revolves around a young boy and the heroes of legend that are bound to serve him.
Review: Gardens of the Moon (Malazan Book of the Fallen #1) by Steven Erikson
Overall, I really enjoyed my time with Gardens of the Moon. Steven Erikson, along with his friend and collaborator Ian Esselmont, has created something truly remarkable. This serves as a great introduction to the sprawling world of Malazan Book of the Fallen and the carrots that Erikson dangles in front of you at every turn only makes you hunger for more.