A King pulled into a desperate journey against overwhelming odds to help a friend. A queen trying to keep her kingdom together against enemies she just can’t fight against. The warrior is a delight to all who love a good diet of adventure fantasy with a delicious side of political intrigue.
Review: One Foot in the Fade (The Fetch Phillips Archives #3) by Luke Arnold
Detective and noir fiction is one of those sweet spots for me as a reader. Those times when I’m not reading fantasy or science fiction, I love basking in the mystery and dark explorations of books by Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett and the like. There’s something raw about those works, their characters and their worlds, that pulls me in every time.
That’s why my discovery of the urban fantasy detective genre five or six years ago quite literally blew my mind (it’s a mash-up made in heaven!). I have since devoured countless great genre-blending gems, and Luke Arnold’s The Fetch Phillips Archives stands high among them. Now, three books in with One Foot in the Fade, I can safely say this is a series that has cemented itself as some of the best urban fantasy detective literature out there.
Author Chat: Luke Arnold
Join FanFiAddict’s Adrian M. Gibson and author/actor Luke Arnold for a chat about his new book One Foot in the Fade, worldbuilding, characters and more in The Fetch Phillips Archives, Raymond Chandler and other noir influences, morally grey characters (and worlds), balancing acting and writing and much more.
Review: Daughter of Redwinter (The Redwinter Chronicles #1) by Ed McDonald
Synopsis Raine is seventeen-years-old and still on the run. She can see the dead, a secret that could get her killed. Seeking refuge with a deluded cult is her latest bad decision but rescuing an injured woman in the snow is soon revealed to be a horrific mistake. Hazia endangers not just Raine, but the […]
Cover Reveal: From Cold Ashes Risen (The War Eternal #3) by Rob J. Hayes (Hardback Edition)
Thanks to Rob for allowing FFA to be a part of the three-blog cover reveal hype train for the hardback editions of his ‘The War Eternal’ series (well, at least the first 3 books :D). We get to reveal book 3, From Cold Ashes Risen, a bit later in the post, but I wanted to […]
Author Q&A: Jim Nelson — Author of A Man Named Baskerville
Hello and welcome to another Author Q&A! This time, I had the pleasure sitting down with Jim Nelson (metaphorically), author of the recently released A Man Named Baskerville! You might have seen his book floating around on social media recently (hard to miss that beautiful cover!), as I had the distinct honor of organizing an online book tour through my company Escapist Book Tours!
Book Tour and Review: A Man Named Baskerville by Jim Nelson
Hello, all! Thank you for tuning into my stop on the Escapist Book Tours run of A Man Named Baskerville by Jim Nelson. Below, you’ll find information about the book and my review! I hope you enjoy.
SPFBO 7 Finalist Review: Reign & Ruin (Mages of the Wheel #1) by J.D. Evans
From Ashley Brennan: Here are some of the FanFiAddict team’s thoughts on Reign & Ruin, the official synopsis, and our final rating. I have enjoyed discovering many new authors through this competition. J.D. Evans is one of those authors. Reign & Ruin is filled with political intrigue, romance, and a well crafted magic system.
Author Interview: Mark Lawrence
Interview with Mark Lawrence in honor of the release of The Girl and The Moon (the third installment in the Book of the Ice trilogy).
SPFBO 7 Finalist Review: Hall of Bones (The Brotherhood of the Eagle #1) by Tim Hardie
From Jared Besse: It’s been a pleasure to read and review this year’s SPFBO. I’ve gotten to love many new authors and series because of this competition and I’m excited to talk about yet another great book. See below for a synopsis, the FanFiAddict team’s thoughts, and our final rating of Hall of Bones!
The Hand that Casts the Bone (The Vanguard Chronicles #2) by H.L. Tinsley
The Hand that Casts the Bone is a fantastic sequel, closing the door on any feared second book syndrome with its highly recognizable characters, fascinating plot, and outstanding characterization.
Review: Saint Death’s Daughter by C.S.E Cooney
Where do I start with this incredible book? I was completely blown away by the premise, the writing, the characters, and I was very sad for it to be over. I’ve tried to explain the plot to multiple people, but there’s something about it that is just completely inexplicable and it just WORKS.