e Age of Madness trilogy. The Wisdom of Crowds started off at such a heightened state of terror that it caused my neck to prickle with anxiety from the beginning. This novel takes off at breakneck speed and does not let up. It might be one of the most brutal Abercrombie books that I’ve read. Honestly, this whole trilogy took off into a level of brutality that is a completely new flavor than the previous novels. That’s saying something— Abercrombie is well known for his unbridled savagery in his writing. It was chaotic, messy, heartbreaking, and a hell of a ride
Orbit Books
Review: The Wisdom of Crowds (The Age of Madness #3) by Joe Abercrombie
Review: Jade War (The Green Bone Saga #2) by Fonda Lee
I simply can’t say more without revealing elements of the story which I strongly suggest you explore on your own as this second book, Jade War, is as good, if not better, because of its broadened exploration beyond the first book. And like I said and remain steady in my description of this series, if you’re a fan of Urban fantasy deeply set into a world of crime, gangsters and Jade-powered martial arts, Jade War and the remaining book (or all of them if you’ve yet to read the series) will fall right into your TBR. Take Mario Puzzo, a dab of Jet Li and sprinkle it with magic and you’ll get exactly what this book is about. I am excited to complete the Jade journey through the last book of the trilogy.
Blog Tour Guest Post: Road to Redemption by Matthew Ward
Hello all and welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Matthew Ward’s Legacy of Light! Many, many thanks go out to both Matthew and his publisher, Orbit, for graciously allowing me to participate in this tour. I am really excited to share with you guys what I have for you today; Matthew has written a fantastic guest post all about the idea of redemption as a character arc!
Review: Hidden (Alex Verus #5) by Benedict Jacka
Review: Jade City (The Green Bone Saga #1) by Fonda Lee
“I’ll make an offer you can’t refuse”; those are the words echoed and mocked in so many movies. But they originated in a little book called “The Godfather” by Mario Puzzo in the late 60s and became a movie phenomenon. When I read “Jade City”, those words came to mind as this book is very much an organized crime novel. And if you add the touch of magic included in the story, from the Jade driven powers the characters have, it feels very much like gangster Urban fantasy.
Review: For the Wolf (Wilderwood #1) by Hannah Whitten
Review: Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha #1) by Tasha Suri
Review: The Blood of Whisperers (The Vengeance Trilogy #1) by Devin Madson
Review: Catalyst Gate (The Protectorate #3) by Megan O’Keefe
the past couple of weeks. And it feels like I just read a 1600-page book, as it definitely appears like it was carefully crafted and planned that way. So, although the review focuses on Catalyst Gate I’m providing an overall review of the series, as the final book delivers on all the promises and questions raised throughout the trilogy and I can’t review the conclusion book without considering the previous tomes. Overall, there were a few slower moments in the second book—definitely on purpose—but in the end, I loved it through and through.
Review: For the Wolf (Wilderwood #1) by Hannah Whitten
Author Chat: Nicholas Eames (Part Two)
Join longtime friends Adrian M. Gibson and fantasy author Nicholas for Part Two of a chat about writing craft and creativity, the positive trends in SFF and where the genres are going, music, video games, and much more. This is Part Two of a two-part interview.