Rating: 10/10 Synopsis Renata Wakefield, a traumatised novelist on the brink of suicide, is drawn back to her childhood hometown following her mother’s ritualistic murder. Before long, she becomes ensnared in the mysteries of Millbury Peak as one question lies heavy: who killed Sylvia Wakefield? As the answer draws nearer, as madness continues to envelop […]
Review: Triggernometry and Advanced Triggernometry (Triggernometry #1-2) by Stark Holborn
Gun-slinging mathematicians in an alternate history Wild West shouldn’t work, right? Right? Well, I am here to tell you that it, in fact, does because that’s exactly what we have in Stark Holborn’s two Triggernometry novellas and somehow she manages to make math look cool.
Review: The Well of Ascension (Mistborn #2) by Brandon Sanderson
Review: The Red Wolf Conspiracy (Chathrand Voyage #1) by Robert V.S. Redick
Review: A Little Hatred (The Age of Madness #1) by Joe Abercrombie
Review: The Shadow of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Saga #1) by John Gwynne
Blog Challenge: I’m a Sucker For…
Blog Challenge: I’m a Sucker for…
Review: Iron Gold (Red Rising #4) by Pierce Brown
Corsairs & Cutlasses: 10 Swashbuckling SFF Books
Bender’s Favorite LitRPG/GameLit reads
Review: Wraithblade by S.M. Boyce
Wraithblade, a sprawling epic, amazed me from beginning to end and left me wanting more of the story that involves an unlikely team of characters; Connor, Murdoch, Sophia and the rest of the supporting characters. It ramped up slowly where S.M. Boyce takes a generous amount of time introducing us to its world filled with kingdoms, beautiful fauna, political power struggles and its own magic system, and then goes into high gear with a palette full of action and a smorgasbord of twists and turns!