The Blood of Outcasts is author D.A. Smith’s first published full-length novel and the premier book in The Bane Sword Trilogy. It is a dark and gritty story about the price paid for loyalty and honor – plus there are cool weapons, fights, and a little bit of magic.
Review: The Sword in the Street by C.M. Caplan
The Sword in the Street is C.M. Caplan’s debut novel and was a 2021 SPFBO semi-finalist. Interesting characters, well-written prose, and fun sword fights make this book one definitely worth reading.
Five Reads for 2022
It has become a bit of a tradition for me to post a list of five of the books I am looking forward to in the coming year (though, in this case, as I am a little late getting it written – it is actually books for this year). The list of phenomenal books being released in 2022 is endless, so choosing five is so hard. But, here it goes: Five Reads for 2022 (BE WARE: some synopsis may contain spoilers for previous books).
Review: Of Darkness and Light (The Bound and the Broken #2) by Ryan Cahill
Of Darkness and Light is the second install in Ryan Cahill’s The Bound and the Broken series, and it is a book in which the author dramatically expands in all aspects versus book 1. The storyline has much more suspense and conflict, the character set is expanded, the characters also grow significantly, the world building is grander, and the pace is improved, as well. Of Darkness and Light is truly epic.
Review: Of Blood and Fire (The Bound and the Broken #1) by Ryan Cahill
Of Blood and Fire is the first in The Bound and the Broken series and author Ryan Cahill’s first novel. I walked away impressed with Cahill’s storytelling ability, world building proficiency, skill in developing characters, and detailed descriptions. I liked this book a lot and see a lot of potential for the rest of the series.
Review: Thunder, Blood, and Goats (Tales of the Nine Worlds #1) by Lyra Wolf
Thunder, Blood, and Goats is a novella side story in Lyra Wolf’s The Nine Worlds Rising series (previously titled The Nine Worlds Chronicles). I have been a big fan of this series (read my reviews of the previous books here, under the old series name: Truth and Other Lies [The Nine Worlds Rising #1]; Chaos Rising [The Nine Worlds Rising #2], and this latest release has done nothing to diminish that experience.
Review: The Darkest Dusk (Onyxborn Chronicles #2) by D.W. Ross
The Darkest Dusk is the second installment in D.W. Ross’ Onyxborn Chronicles series and the follow up to Cold from the North (which I reviewed earlier this year: review link). In the first book, I noted liking the plot, characters, and setting, but wanting more climactic events along the way to the end. In book 2, I think Ross did a nice of job sticking with what worked in the first book and expanding on those things while doing a better job with the narrative ups and downs.