Hello all, and welcome to this week’s article for FanFiAddict’s series on Neurodivergence in Fiction. I cannot understate how appreciative I am for the overwhelming amount of support and enthusiasm I have seen for this series of mine; thank you! For the next several months we will be bringing you a guest post every Wednesday from a neurodivergent author. This will hopefully highlight some of the challenges that come with writing for a largely neurotypical audience, while also giving valuable insight to the craft itself and providing a window into the neurodivergent experience — at least through the lens of fiction. For this week’s article, Sunyi Dean stops by to explain how Autistic’s do not have creative deficits as much as they view creativity through a different lens.
Review & Chat: We Are Satellites by Sarah Pinsker
Review: City of Lies (The Poison Wars #1) by Sam Hawke
Writing by the Light Invisible — Neurodivergence in Fiction
Review: Anna by Sammy H.K. Smith
Anna is an upcoming release by veteran author Sammy H.K. Smith, and, wow, honestly it left me speechless. Which is a really interesting thing to say about a book that could really encourage a lot of dialogue. Anna’s story was a brutal read at times and joyful at others, but it was always enthralling.
Blog Tour: Master Artificer (The Silent Gods #2) by Justin Call
FanFiAddict Official Music Theme
Review: Sistersong by Lucy Holland
I’m just saying please buy this book, please read it, please experience it and please feel everything it is going to give you. I was caught out by just how much emotional punch it has, and those last 100 pages are going to be a roller-coaster of emotion. I wanted to cry happy tears at the end. The kind of tears where your heart is broken, then fixed just enough that you feel almost happy again.