Voice of War is the first installment in the Threadlight series and Zack Argyle’s debut novel. It is a very well-written story with boatloads of intrigue built in, fascinating characters, and an interesting and unique magic system. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
Review: The Ladies of the Secret Circus by Constance Sayers
Review: The Empire’s Ruin (Ashes of the Unhewn Throne #1) by Brian Staveley
Review: Voice of War (Threadlight #1) by Zack Argyle
So, You Want to Start a Book Blog…
Review: Wintersteel (Cradle #8) by Will Wight
Review: God Of Gnomes (God Core #1) by Demi Harper
I really enjoyed my time with this book. I was definitely wrong about this subgenre all those years ago, but you’ll have to let me off because I am very dumb indeed! I’m looking forward to seeing where Harper takes us in the next instalment (Exodus of Gnomes, which I will be listening to later this year) and I’m certain that it will be bigger, better and even more enjoyable ride than this one!
Review: The Girl and the Mountain (Book of the Ice #2) by Mark Lawrence
Review: The Dragon Path by Ethan Young
Review: The Bone Ships (The Tide Child Trilogy #1) by RJ Barker
I’ve been trying to think of a witty way to start this review. Maybe I could start with a sailing joke? Instead, I’m going to begin with a statement; The Bone Ships, by Robert Holstock Award winner RJ Barker, is utterly phenomenal!
Review: The Trouble with Peace by Joe Abercrombie (The Age of Madness #2)
Mini-Review: Eight Cylinders by Jason Parent
Eight Cylinders is just one of several in the Jason Parent portfolio. Parent has authored books in many genres, including: science fiction, horror, thriller, and speculative fiction, among others. I reviewed another of the author’s books, Apocalypse Strain (a horror/thriller), in 2020 and found it to be quite an interesting read. Eight Cylinders (speculative fiction) is quite different from that book in many ways, though not any less interesting. I have chosen a mini-review format for this book for two reasons: it is a novella (right around 100 pages), and because it is so short almost any pieces of information I will get into spoiler territory; so the less I talk about the book directly, the better.