A darkly magnificent retelling of The Juniper Tree.
Book Review: The Memoirs of Elikai: The Children of the Solstice (Book 1) by D Alexander
Synopsis “The Fall of Free Will begins at sundown. The Generals of Destiny will rise at the height of the Winter Solstice. Come, King of Free Will, to the place where you allowed true love to perish and bear witness to the end of Free Will.” Danny Elikai is a teenage boy who lost his […]
Book Tour/Spotlight: Survivors by Amy Marsden
Hi everybody! Today, I am honored to shine a spotlight on Survivors by Amy Marsden, brought to you by the always amazing Escapist Book Tours. Check out the book information below, then go grab yourself a copy! Book Information: Survivors by Amy MarsdenSeries: Survivors #1Genre: HorrorIntended Age Group: AdultPages: 341Published: August 16, 2021Publisher: NineStar Press […]
Review: The Change by Kirsten Miller
he Change is relevant and so easily devoured. It is a mystery, a thriller, a fantasy novel, and a declaration of love for the innate power of women all wrapped in one. There’s so much more to this novel than I could ever put into words.
Review: Coiling Dragon Saga by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi
A epic and immensely satisfying Wuxia based Progression Fantasy that should resonate with fans of Dragonball Z.
Introducing The Last Ranger — A Q&A with J.D.L. Rosell
Hello everyone! Today I’m excited to introduce you to the first book in J.D.L. Rosell’s latest epic fantasy series, The Last Ranger! I really fell in love with Josiah’s writing after reading The Throne of Ice and Ash (you can read my full review here). I’m really excited to share all the details about the book as well as the Kickstarter that is currently running where you can score a lot of really cool rewards and discounts on Josiah’s (immense) back catalogue. We’re in the final days of the Kickstarter and really close to unlocking another really awesome stretch goal, so be sure to check out all the details about the Kickstarter and pledge your support before the campaign ends on Mon, July 25 2022 1:59 AM EDT.
Cover Reveal: The Marauders, the Daughter, and the Dragon by K.R.R. Lockhaven
Thank you to Escapist Book Tours for hosting this book tour and allowing Fanfiaddict to be a part of it! Book Information: Title: The Marauders, the Daughter, and the Dragon by K.R.R. LockhavenSeries: The Azure Archipelago #1Genre: FantasyIntended Age Group: AdultPages: TBDPublished: August 20, 2022Publisher: Shadow Spark PublishingBook Blurb: To say that Azure Brine is […]
Blog Tour: The Stars Among Us by Sanja S. Jungic
A Croatian Rom-Com translated to English for the first time.
SFF Addicts TV Club: Obi-Wan Kenobi Review
Join host Adrian M. Gibson and guest authors J.S. Dewes, J. Dianne Dotson and Patricia A. Jackson as they discuss and review the Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries, the new Star Wars TV show starring everyone’s favorite Jedi Master. During the panel they discuss their relationships with the Obi-Wan character, first impressions after seeing the show, character portrayals and storylines, hopes for a potential second season, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Inquisitors and much more.
Guest Post: Maps and Mapping in Fantasy by W.P. Wiles
Maps and Mapping in Fantasy by W.P. Wiles Like many others, I found my way into fantasy through maps. My mother read my sister and I The Hobbit, and I delighted in the map on the endpapers, drawn by Tolkien himself. It’s a rather curious map, as it happens, which doesn’t do a great deal […]
Book Tour Review: Jack of Thorns (Inheritance #1) by A.K. Faulkner
Hello everyone! Thank you to Escapist Book Tours for allowing me to join in on the book tour for Jack of Thorns, a LGBTQ+ urban fantasy by A.K. Faulkner. Welcome to my FanFiAddict stop on the book tour. I received a reading copy and this did not influence my thoughts or opinions.
Review: Heroics for Beginners by John Moore
Summary: When a seemingly crazy, poorly dressed soothsayer tells you not to let a magical talisman fall into the wrong hands, take him or her seriously. DO NOT laugh it off and leave said talisman simply lying around on a side table; you might as well just end the world yourself. —The Handbook of Practical […]