Synopsis: J.T. Greathouse continues his Pact and Pattern fantasy series, hailed by New York Times bestselling author Anthony Ryan as “a captivating epic of conflicted loyalties and dangerous ambition.” The boy once known as Wen Alder has become the rebel witch Foolish Cur. Schooled in both the powers that bound him to serve the emperor as well […]
Author Q&A: Stephen Aryan – The Warrior Blog Tour
Author Interview with Stephen Aryan, Author of Quest for Heroes Duology – The Coward & The Warrior.
Book Tour & Review: Mercury’s Shadow (The Kardashev Cycle, Book 1) by PJ Garcin
Synopsis One man’s lust for power threatens the future of humanity—can a young girl from the outer system stop it all? Imogen “Chim” Esper is thrust into the center of an interplanetary conflict when her family is torn apart by the cruel and indifferent Kardashev Corporation. Forced to run, along with her robotic best friend, […]
The Ninth Rain (The Winnowing Flame Trilogy #1) by Jen Williams
Synopsis The great city of Ebora once glittered with gold. Now its streets are stalked by wolves. Tormalin the Oathless has no taste for sitting around waiting to die while the realm of his storied ancestors falls to pieces – talk about a guilt trip. Better to be amongst the living, where there are taverns […]
Where Heroes Were Born (Pillars of Peace #3) by Tom Dumbrell
Synopsis Ten years have passed since the Battle of Highcastle. As Peacehaven’s new king takes the country from strength to strength, Fran strikes out on her own in neighbouring Cornesse, where she is the chosen shield to the venerated queen, Mathilde. It seems Mathilde has everything under control—except her own future. Concerns for Cornesse’s royal […]
Buddy read & Review: We Are the Dead (The Last War #1) by Mike Shackle
If you follow me on Twitter or we talk in any capacity you’ll know that I’ve become somewhat of a broken record recently. Truthfully, I’ve been kicking myself for the past few weeks over having waited this long to start this series! As Dan says above, We are the Dead and The Last War trilogy as a whole is an absolute must read. Mike Shackle has to be one of the most criminally underrated authors currently writing.
Review: The Book of Gothel by Mary McMyne
The Book of Gothel is beautifully woven, and full of depth and compassion. It’s adventurous, and manages to be classic and modern all at once, giving life to Mother Gothel.
Review: The Fall of Roman Britain and why we speak English
Synopsis: The end of empire in the island of Great Britain was both more abrupt and more complete than in any of the other European Roman provinces. When the fog clears and Britain re-enters the historical record, it is, unlike other former European provinces of the Western Empire, dominated by a new culture that speaks […]
Review: Tasmanian Gothic by Mikhaeyla Kopievsky
Synopsis A modern gothic thriller set in a decaying urban environment and lush mutant wilderness. Solari wasn’t alive when the ozone layer split like a gutted fish above Tasmania and spilled radiation over the edge of the stratosphere, but she’s living with the consequences — the mutations, the gangland war, and the border wall that […]
The Self Published SciFi Competition Begins New Round!
The Self Published Science Fiction Competition (SPSFC) is kicking off it’s second year! After a rocky start last year a lot of things have been smoothed out to make it easier for the judges. The contest takes 300 submissions of self-published scifi books, spreads them across 10 teams of judges and, over the course of […]
SFF Addicts Ep. 24:One-Year Anniversary Extravaganza!
Join host Adrian M. Gibson for a special SFF Addicts one-year anniversary extravaganza (streamed live on YouTube), where he reminisces on the past year of podcasting, chats with friends and catches up with past guest authors like Kevin Hearne, Delilah S. Dawson, Anthony Ryan, K.S. Villoso, Andrea Stewart, Dyrk Ashton, Michael R. Fletcher, Krystle Matar, Ryan Cahill, Matt Kressel and more. Plus, three LIVE READINGS, from authors Connor M. Caplan, Tori Gross and Adrian M. Gibson himself.
Cover Reveal: Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant by Christopher Russell
Thanks to Christopher for allowing FFA to reveal the cover and full-wrap of his upcoming novel, Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant (which just happens to feature stunning artwork from the amazing Chris McGrath). Title: Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant (Divinity’s Twilight #2) Release Date: September 14, 2022 Genre: Epic Fantasy, Military Fantasy, Steampunk Fantasy Cover Artist: Chris McGrath Publisher: Illyrium Publishing (Indie/Self-pub) Universal Pre-Order Link: Goodreads […]