Synopsis: An accident brought Rex’s career as an interplanetary bodyguard to an abrupt end. Now, he spends his time tending fruit trees and dreaming of his exciting past. One day, he gets an unexpected opportunity to pick up a ray gun again, but things aren’t how he remembered them… Review: A middle-grade indie graphic […]
Middle Grade
30 Fantasy Books Featuring Dragonriders
What fantasy reader hasn’t imagined themselves soaring above the clouds on the back of a beautiful and majestic dragon. Having a bond with a creature that inspires awe and terror has been the dream of many. Not to mention the added bonus of the ability to rain down fire and death on your enemies. I’ve […]
Book Tour/Review: The Legend of Black Jack by A. R. Witham
Synopsis Jack Swift can tell you every element on the periodic table, recite Treasure Island verbatim, and would remember in perfect detail every word you’d ever say to him. He has been alone for a long time, so he has buried himself in books, using them to plan his escape. But no textbook could ever prepare him […]