Synopsis Six immortal siblings. Five sworn to peace. One demands a throne. Radiance, the mysterious power of life and creation, is theirs to command. Death cannot claim them. For hundreds of years, the ever-living ruled with ease. Yet when the world is nearly broken beneath their reign, the humbled six swear a They will sit […]
David Dalglish
Captivating First Lines Pt. 2
Hello again dear reader or listener, I hope you’re enjoying your Sunday! I once again have literary appetizers for you.
Since I recently received a (very amusing) spam bot comment on one of my old list posts, I thought I might as well make a part 2 given it’s been three years! As you can guess from the title, I felt like listing the very first (or first few) lines from books currently on my shelves, that I found especially captivating for one reason or other. Maybe they’re particularly ominous, or amusing, or intriguing, but in each case, they set the tone incredibly well.
Review: The Bladed Faith (The Vagrant Gods #1) by David Dalglish
The Bladed Faith is, without a doubt, a whole lot of fun… I recommend this book to everyone, however I whole heartedly believe it is essential for lovers of anime and the golden age of Square JRPGs…
AUTHOR CHAT with DAVID DALGLISH (Author of The Bladed Faith)
Join David as he chats with author David Dalglish about his newest fantasy novel, The Bladed Faith (Vagrant Gods #1), which was released on 4/5/22 from Orbit Books. Dalglish also dives into his writing process, why you should start his newest series, and how being that nerdy quiet kid has its many advantages. Website: […]
Review: The Bladed Faith (Vagrant Gods #1) by David Dalglish
The Bladed Faith is the first in David Dalgishes’ new series, Vagrant Gods. Dalglish, who has proven himself a master of action over the last several years (and is fresh off the phenomenal finale of his last series, The Keepers) has managed to publish yet another fascinating fantasy series. I came for the amazing cover and intriguing synopsis and stayed for the fantastic fight sequences, amazing storyline, and compelling characters.
Traveling Cloak’s Top 10 Reads of 2021
Hi, book friends! Welcome to my 2021 Top 10 List. This is always a difficult post for me to write, because I feel like I read so many great books, and I do not want to leave any out. But, life is about choices, so I have done my best.
According to Goodreads, I clocked 24 five-star reads in 2021, so I had to make some tough decisions. I decided to keep it to 10 so the post is not too long.Some of those books, though, are from the same series, so I have give those one line instead of having them take up 2 or 3 spots. Also, these are books I read in 2021, regardless of release date. Now, let’s get to the fun stuff: here are my Top 10 books I read in 2021!
TBRcon21 Recap: Wednesday, January 27th
A little bit of a “in case you missed it” type post with full panel recordings. Check the promos above each video to see the topics and panelists. Hope you enjoy!
Review: Voidbreaker (The Keepers #3) by David Dalglish
Top Reads of 2020
What’s up everyone. The end of the year has arrived and with it comes the season of lists. Best movies, TV shows, songs, books, etc. of 2020. Below I have compiled our reviewers’ Top Reads of the year. A majority of covers have links to reviews if you would like to see why we loved […]