Synopsis Late one summer night, Elizabeth Sanderson receives the devastating news that every mother fears: her fourteen-year-old son, Tommy, has vanished without a trace in the woods of a local park. The search isn’t yielding any answers, and Elizabeth and her young daughter, Kate, struggle to comprehend his disappearance. Feeling helpless and alone, their sorrow […]
Paul Tremblay
Review: Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay
Synopsis In June 1993, a group of young guerilla filmmakers spent four weeks making Horror Movie, a notorious, disturbing, art-house horror flick. The weird part? Only three of the film’s scenes were ever released to the public, but Horror Movie has nevertheless grown a rabid fanbase. Three decades later, Hollywood is pushing for a big budget reboot. The man who […]
REVIEW: Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay
SYNOPSIS A chilling twist on the “cursed film” genre from the bestselling author of The Pallbearers Club and The Cabin at the End of the World. In June 1993, a group of young guerilla filmmakers spent four weeks making Horror Movie, a notorious, disturbing, art-house horror flick. The weird part? Only three of the film’s scenes were ever released to […]
Review: Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay
Synopsis: In June 1993, a group of young guerilla filmmakers spent four weeks making Horror Movie, a notorious, disturbing, art-house horror flick. The weird part? Only three of the film’s scenes were ever released to the public, but Horror Movie has nevertheless grown a rabid fanbase. Three decades later, Hollywood is pushing for a big budget reboot. The man […]
Review: Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay
Synopsis: Summer, 1993 – a group of young guerrilla filmmakers spend four weeks making Horror Movie, a notorious, disturbing, art-house horror film. Steeped in mystery and tragedy, the film has taken on a mythic, cult renown, despite only three of the original scenes ever being released to the public. Decades later, a big budget reboot is in the […]
Review: Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay
Hell has never been so chilling Synopsis Summer, 1993 – a group of young guerrilla filmmakers spend four weeks making Horror Movie, a notorious, disturbing, art-house horror film. Steeped in mystery and tragedy, the film has taken on a mythic, cult renown, despite only three of the original scenes ever being released to the public. Decades later, a […]
Review: In Bloom by Paul Tremblay
Synopsis There’s something in the water in this hallucinatory short story by Paul Tremblay, bestselling author of The Cabin at the End of the World and The Beast You Are. Journalist Heidi Cohen is in Cape Cod investigating the sources of recurring toxic algae blooms along the coast. A local named Jimmy has his own theory for her. […]
Author Chat – Philip Fracassi
Noir at the Bar – Saturday, February 13th @ 7:00pm – 10:00pm CST
Top Reads of 2020
What’s up everyone. The end of the year has arrived and with it comes the season of lists. Best movies, TV shows, songs, books, etc. of 2020. Below I have compiled our reviewers’ Top Reads of the year. A majority of covers have links to reviews if you would like to see why we loved […]
Author Chat – Emily Carpenter
Gather ’round as David chats with author Emily Carpenter about life, writing, the Southern Gotchic genre, and her newest release, Reviving the Hawthorn Sisters.