Gather round while David chats with author Jeremy Robert Johnson about life, writing, and his newest release, The Loop.
Review: The Gatewatch (The Saga of Torin Ten-Trees #1) by Joshua Gillingham
Author Chat – Jeremy Robert Johnson
Review: Flakes of Fire by Yoann Re
Review: A Triumphant Foundation of TV: Barbarians (Netflix)
Review: The Stone Knife by Anna Stephens (Book #1 of the Songs of the Drowned Triology)
Review: Witch Bottle by Tom Fletcher
Review: A Ritual of Bone (The Dead Sagas #1) by Lee C. Conley
Author Chat – Sam Hawke
Gather round while David chats with author Sam Hawke about life, writing, and her upcoming release, Hollow Empire (The Poison Wars #2), from Tor Books; releasing on 12/1/2020.