(Terminator anyone?), you’re left alone to take care of an eight-year-old kid as his parents were both executed by a robot-nanny-turned-evil. But wait, there’s one more thing, you are a robot too. That is the premise of Day One by Robert C. Cargill. A dystopian story of survival and the relationship between an eight-year-old kid and his best friend who turns out to be a cyber-plush-tiger.
Review: The Shadow in the Glass by J.J.A Hardwood
Review: Cold Iron (Masters & Mages #1) by Miles Cameron
Review: The Pariah (The Covenant of Steel #1) by Anthony Ryan
I Wrote What I Knew (Apparently) — Neurodivergence in Fiction
Hello all, and welcome to this week’s article for FanFiAddict’s series on Neurodivergence in Fiction. I cannot understate how appreciative I am for the overwhelming amount of support and enthusiasm I have seen for this series of mine; thank you! For the next several months we will be bringing you a guest post every Wednesday from a neurodivergent author. This will hopefully highlight some of the challenges that come with writing for a largely neurotypical audience, while also giving valuable insight to the craft itself and providing a window into the neurodivergent experience — at least through the lens of fiction. For this week’s article, Bjørn Larssen stops by to discuss his experience in coming to understand himself through his characters.
Guest Post: Cover Reveal – Mirror in Time, by D. Ellis Overttun
Hey, everyone! Author D. Ellis Overttun is back with another guest post. This time we are celebrating the cover reveal of the author’s soon-to-be-released 4th book, Mirror in Time. And with that I am handing the mic off. Enjoy!
Review: Awaken Online #5: Hellion by Travis Bagwell
Review: She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
Review: Stone & Shield (Fall of Emros #1) by Thomas J. Devens
Stone & Shield is the first release in Thomas J. Devens’ Fall of Emros series. It was written in a classical fantasy style and in multiple POVs. I like the story, and I think the writing is technically very sound.
Book Tour: Cold From the North (Onyxborn Chronicle #1) by D.W. Ross
Hello and welcome to FanFiAddict’s stop on the book tour for D.W. Ross’ Cold From the North (Onyxborn Chronicle #1). We want to thank Justine & Timy @ Storytellers on Tour for letting us be involved and a big shoutout to D.W. on the release of Cold From the North and it’s forthcoming sequel The Darkest Dusk, which we recently had the pleasure of helping to do a cover reveal for.