Review: Nolyn (The Rise and Fall #1) by Michael J. Sullivan
Autism, Writing, and Craft Pt. 3 – Neurodivergence in Fiction
Hello all, and welcome to this week’s article for FanFiAddict’s series on Neurodivergence in Fiction. I cannot understate how appreciative I am for the overwhelming amount of support and enthusiasm I have seen for this series of mine; thank you! For the next several months we will be bringing you a guest post every Wednesday from a neurodivergent author. This will hopefully highlight some of the challenges that come with writing for a largely neurotypical audience, while also giving valuable insight to the craft itself and providing a window into the neurodivergent experience — at least through the lens of fiction. For this week’s article, Ada Hoffman has provided us with a reprint of part three of her publication, Autism, Writing, and Craft. If you need to catch up, you can view part one — on character and agency — and part two — on emotions and communication — here and here, respectively.
Review: Velocity Weapon (The Protectorate #1) by Megan O’Keefe
Primes and Icarions—going on in the background. I loved it, and will read the next two books pronto.
Review: Lords of the North (Saxon Stories #3) by Bernard Cornwell
Review: The End of Men by Christina Sweeney-Baird
Review: Seven Deaths of an Empire by G.R Matthews
Review: Day Zero by C. Robert Cargill
Day Zero is a prequel to Cargill’s 2017 release Sea of Rust (which I did not know until my cohort Justin pointed it out in his review). Though not a perfect read, I found this to be worthwhile: definitely entertaining and a little thought-provoking.