Synopsis Inspired by his beloved CatStronauts series, Drew Brockington is going back in time to when everyone’s favorite Catstronaut, Waffles, was a kitten! Fans of Narwhal and Jelly and Elephant & Piggie will love this fun, cat-tastic early graphic novel series. One very special Saturday, Dad-Cat decides to take Waffles and his sister Pancake to the […]
Draigon Weather (The Legacies of Arnan #1) by Paige L. Christie
Synopsis Draigon Weather The brutal, drought-bringing heat that arises from the colossal, near-mythical Draigon, is a fell portent, heralding the doom of a striving woman. When Leiel’s mother is Sacrificed to the Draigon to relieve the terrible drought, Leiel is marked by the shame brought to her family. She must leave school, relegated to a new […]
Cover Reveal Blitz: Thunder, Blood & Goats by Lyra Wolf
Thanks to Justine and Timy over at Storytellers on Tour for allowing us here on FanFiAddict to join the Cover Reveal Blitz for Thunder, Blood & Goats. Also, an enormous shoutout to Lyra on her upcoming release! Book Information Thunder, Blood & Goats by Lyra Wolf Series: Tales of the Nine Worlds Published: November 9, 2021 by Ravenwell […]
Book Tour: A Ritual of Flesh (The Dead Sagas #2) by Lee C Conley
Hello and welcome to FanFiAddict’s stop on the book tour for Lee C Conley’s A Ritual of Flesh. We want to thank Justine & Timy @ Storytellers on Tour for letting us be involved, and a big shoutout to Lee on this fantastic story! Below, you will find information on the book and author, David W’s chat with […]
Winterset Hollow by Jonathan Edward Durham
Synopsis Everyone has wanted their favorite book to be real, if only for a moment. Everyone has wished to meet their favorite characters, if only for a day. But be careful in that wish, for even a history laid in ink can be repaid in flesh and blood, and reality is far deadlier than fiction […]
Book Tour: Blackcoat by Steve McHugh
Hello and welcome to FanFiAddict’s stop on the book tour for Steve McHugh’s Blackcoat. We want to thank Justine & Timy @ Storytellers on Tour for letting us be involved, and a big shoutout to Steve on his newest release! Below, you will find information on the book and author, David W’s chat with Steve, links so you […]
Author Chat – Jay Kristoff
Join David as he chats w/ author Jay Kristoff about his most recent release, Empire of the Vampire, published in September by St. Martin’s Press / HarpverVoyager UK. They also talk about the Nevernight Chronicle, how Jay and Amie Kaufman started their stellar writing duo, and how morally gray characters are just more fun – […]
Cover Reveal Blitz: The Other Way (Passage to Dawn #2) by Derrick Smythe
Thanks to Justine and Timy over at Storytellers on Tour for allowing us here on FanFiAddict to join the Cover Reveal Blitz for The Other Way. Also, an enormous shoutout to Derrick on his upcoming release! Book Information The Other Way by Derrick Smythe Series: Passage to Dawn (#2) Published: November 8, 2021 Genre: Epic Fantasy Book Cover […]
Map Reveal & Interview: A Clockwork River by J.S. Emery
Book info A Clockwork River by J.S. Emery Release Date: 14th October, 2021Page Count: 802Published by: Head of Zeus, an Ad Astra BookHead of ZeusAmazonBook DepositoryGoodreads Synopsis A sister searches for her missing brother as a new power rises amid the splendour and the squalor of a once great city. Time is running out for the […]
Song of the Beast by Carol Berg
Synopsis Brutal imprisonment has broken Aidan McAllister. Once the most famous musician of his generation, celebrated as a man beloved of the gods, his voice is now silent, his hands ruined, his music that offered beauty and hope to war-torn Elyria destroyed. Even the god who nurtured his talent since boyhood has abandoned him. But […]
Guest Post: Creating a Complete World by Gabriela Houston
Worldbuilding is a crucial element of all storytelling. And I don’t just refer to speculative fiction’s building of worlds unknown, but rather to the space the novel’s characters inhabit, be it familiar or unfamiliar. The worldbuilding elements tell us about not just about our characters’ environment, but how they react to the space, how it […]
SPFBO 7: Final Cuts & Last 4 In
The group of judges on the FFA team have collectively chosen the last five (5) books in their SPFBO 7 allotment to be taken out of consideration for the finals, as well as the final four (4) titles that will join The Iron Crown as semi-finalists. Below, you will find the last set of five […]