Arrows whoosh. Fire burns. Hearts beat. Blood pumps, spills; the start of Darkness and Light is visceral like the Fall, but this situation seems entirely worse. What starts in fire and loss end in complete darkness with a singular ray of light that is the exciting, jaw-dropping cliff-hanger that rounds off such an expansive novel. It lifts the lid on the story that started with Of Blood and Fire. The Dragonguard and the imperial army descend upon one boy and his adolescent dragon. The night holds its breath as we wait for the fires to come …
Ryan Cahill
Of Darkness and Light by Ryan Cahill (The Bound and the Broken #2)
Synopsis Heroes will rise. Nations will fall. Behind the towering walls of Belduar, Calen Bryer and his companions stand in defense of the city and its new king. In over a thousand years, Belduar has never fallen. It has stood as a bastion of hope. But the Lorian empire are at its walls once more, […]
Of Darkness and Light(The Bound and the Broken #2) by Ryan Cahill
All in all, Of Darkness and Light was an incredible book that had me gripped from page one, all the way to the last page two days later. Cahill is absolutely going to keep on getting better with each book that he puts out and I can’t wait to see what happens in book three and even where he goes after he finishes with The Bound and the Broken.
Review: Of Darkness and Light (The Bound and the Broken #2) by Ryan Cahill
Of Darkness and Light is the second install in Ryan Cahill’s The Bound and the Broken series, and it is a book in which the author dramatically expands in all aspects versus book 1. The storyline has much more suspense and conflict, the character set is expanded, the characters also grow significantly, the world building is grander, and the pace is improved, as well. Of Darkness and Light is truly epic.
Review: Of Blood and Fire (The Bound and the Broken #1) by Ryan Cahill
Of Blood and Fire is the first in The Bound and the Broken series and author Ryan Cahill’s first novel. I walked away impressed with Cahill’s storytelling ability, world building proficiency, skill in developing characters, and detailed descriptions. I liked this book a lot and see a lot of potential for the rest of the series.
Author Chat & Reading – Ryan Cahill
Join FFA’s David W. and David S. as they chat with author Ryan Cahill about Of Darkness and Light, the thrilling sequel to Of Blood and Fire, which hits on December 31st, 2021. He will also be performing a reading from Chapter 1. Grab a copy of Of Blood and Fire (The Bound and the […]
Review: Of Blood and Fire (The Bound and the Broken #1) by Ryan Cahill
Of Fire and Blood is a nostalgic and warm read, plucking on the lute strings of themes I enjoy around a warm fire of favourite tropes, gathered for the tale. It’s certainly not a fantasy trying to be an edgelord, it’s a book offering warmth and safety. A great, old timely tale wearing new clothing.
Review: The Fall (The Bound and the Broken #0.5) by Ryan Cahill
Visceral. Vivid. Action-packed.
Review: Of Blood and Fire (The Bound and the Broken #1) by Ryan Cahill
Cahill’s prose, which glides between brutally epic and elegant, has a playful tone that at times reads like a sassy John Gwynne. It is a series being crafted by someone who loves the fantasy genre and is fully adept at making it sing.
Review: The Fall (The Bound and the Broken #0.5) by Ryan Cahill
Cahill doesn’t hold back in depicting every exploding wall, dragon roar, and arterial spray of blood. The Fall is just completely epic and awesome.
Review: The Fall by Ryan Cahill
Synopsis The Order have watched over the continent of Epheria for thousands of years. But there are those who believe The Order has had its day. That it is corrupt, indulgent, and deceitful – that it is ready to fall. The City of Ilnaen is on fire.Dragons fill the skies.Traitors fill the streets. The Fall […]