The votes are in for the 2024 FanFiAddict Awards, and we are proud to announce four winners in the following categories: “Best Indie Debut Novel”, “Best Indie Novel”, “Best Traditionally Published Debut Novel” and “Best Traditionally Published Novel”.
John Gwynne
SFF Addicts Ep. 33: Our Favorite Reads of 2022 (with Friends Talking Fantasy Podcast)
Join host Adrian M. Gibson and podcasters Dylan Marsh and Charles M.C. (co-hosts of Friends Talking Fantasy Podcast) as they reminisce on the year that was. During the panel they share their top picks for favorite SFF reads of the year (3 each for a total of 9), reflect on their reading habits in 2022, offer some honorable mentions, officially dub Adrian the ‘Bad Boy of SFF’ and more.
Review: The Hunger of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Trilogy #2) by John Gwynne
The Hunger of the Gods is the second in John Gwynne’s Bloodsworn Trilogy, and one of the most anticipated fantasy releases of 2022. I loved the first book, as well (read my of The Shadow of the Gods), so I was looking forward to reading this one, as well. Let there be no doubt – it did not disappoint.
Review: The Hunger of the Gods by John Gwynne
Hunger of the Gods is the second book in the epic Bloodsworn trilogy by John Gwynne and is another amazing entry in the series. When I first read Shadow of the Gods, I was blown away and the well written characters and breathtaking action. Hunger of the Gods delivers more of the same great cast (including a new highlight) but suffers from a few pacing issues and middle book syndrome. (some spoilers for the first book follow)
Five Reads for 2022
It has become a bit of a tradition for me to post a list of five of the books I am looking forward to in the coming year (though, in this case, as I am a little late getting it written – it is actually books for this year). The list of phenomenal books being released in 2022 is endless, so choosing five is so hard. But, here it goes: Five Reads for 2022 (BE WARE: some synopsis may contain spoilers for previous books).
Review: The Shadow of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Saga #1) by John Gwynne
Take it from me and the other 9 people on this blog that have reviewed it, Shadow of the Gods is a brilliant read!
Ashley’s Top 10 Reads in 2021
Reflecting on my favorite books of the year is one of my favorite December activities. Here are my top 10 reads in 2021.
Review: The Shadow of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Saga #1) by John Gwynne
Gwynne has seriously delivered in this epic beardy saga. All three of his protagonists would warrant their own separate story, so their three spectacular narratives entwine into a true behemoth of a book.
15 Upcoming Sci-Fi and Fantasy Releases to Keep an Eye on — May 2021
Hello everyone and welcome to FanFiAddict’s monthly attempt at adding to your already burgeoning TBR pile! We hope to draw your attention to a few of this month’s upcoming releases in the Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror genres that we are particularly excited for. So, without further preamble, say a prayer for your bank balance and your TBR and check out the list below!
John Gwynne Interview and Review of The Shadow of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Saga #1)
Author Chat – John Gwynne
Review: The Shadow of The Gods (Bloodsworn Saga #1) by John Gwynne
Ah Shadow of the Gods, the book I feel is taking book blogs by storm. I mean, just take a quick look on this site to see how many of us have reviewed it (hint: it’s a lot).
John Gwynne has been called one of the best fantasy authors currently working today, and I’m hard pressed to disagree. And for good reason, the Faithful and the Fallen is a great work of epic fantasy and I enjoyed his sequel trilogy, Of Blood and Bone, even more.
While his previous work had hints of Norse and more northern European mythology, Shadow of the Gods truly dives deep into the Norse elements and it completely blew me away. This is easily Gwynne’s best work and my favorite book of the year so far, so if you’re in anyway a fantasy fan, this is a must read for 2021. So, don’t even read farther, just go buy a copy.