Summary: The Lambros family has never fit in with the town of Pandora, even from the very beginning. Since their ancestors immigrated from Greece with magical creatures in tow, the townsfolk have never trusted them and that hasn’t changed in the centuries since. Now, Melpomene, Calliope, and Thalia struggle to live their every day lives. […]
SPFBO Articles
Review: The Oathsworn Legacy by K.R. Gangi
Synopsis: Rawley and Baelin make a living the only way they know how—protecting the people of Centrum by slaying the dark things that stole their childhood: Monsters, and everything evil. Though the work never ends, and there’s plenty of coin to go around, Rawley and Baelin discover a sinister secret hidden deep within the crevices […]
REVIEW: No Heart for a Thief (Malitu #1) by James Lloyd Dulin
SYNOPSIS We are the stories we tell ourselves…even the lies. The Thief, a great spirit, and her descendants have abused their ability to steal magic for centuries. When Kaylo starts to hear the song of other people’s magic, he must learn to hide from his people as well as the invaders. A gift or a […]
SPFBO 7 Finalist Review: Shadows of Ivory (The Godforged Chronicles #1) by TL Greylock & Bryce O’Connor
Blurb I burned cities and drowned mountains. I pulled stars from the night sky and scorched the world with their flames. I am the Fisher King, and the grave does not bind me. An academic with a taste for adventure, Eska de Caraval has means and influence, wit and charm… and a knack for acquiring […]
SPFBO 7 Finalist Review: Legacy of the Brightwash (Tainted Dominion #1) by Krystle Matar
From Hamad, guest judge on FFA’s team from The Book Prescription: “As SPFBO 7 is nearing its conclusion, my friends on FanFiaddict and I are reviewing and rating one of our favorite books in the competition for this year. Here are our thoughts along with the blurb of the book and author bio.” Blurb Follow […]
SPFBO 7 Finalist Review: Reign & Ruin (Mages of the Wheel #1) by J.D. Evans
From Ashley Brennan: Here are some of the FanFiAddict team’s thoughts on Reign & Ruin, the official synopsis, and our final rating. I have enjoyed discovering many new authors through this competition. J.D. Evans is one of those authors. Reign & Ruin is filled with political intrigue, romance, and a well crafted magic system.
SPFBO 7 Finalist Review: Hall of Bones (The Brotherhood of the Eagle #1) by Tim Hardie
From Jared Besse: It’s been a pleasure to read and review this year’s SPFBO. I’ve gotten to love many new authors and series because of this competition and I’m excited to talk about yet another great book. See below for a synopsis, the FanFiAddict team’s thoughts, and our final rating of Hall of Bones!
SPFBO 7 Finalist Review: Burn Red Skies by Kerstin Espinosa Rosero
From Jared Besse: I’ve loved getting to read through the different SPFBO books this year. It’s been a blast to see each book and their different styles over the course of the past year. This is one of my personal favorites, so I’m excited to talk about it a bit here. See below for a […]
SPFBO 7 Finalist Review: Norylska Groans by Michael R. Fletcher & Clayton W. Snyder
From Jared Besse: I’ve had a blast reading through the 9 other finalists in this year’s SPFBO. Each one is enjoyable in thier own right and this one is no exception. Here’s a few of our thoughts about the book and an aggregate score for the blog! Hope you enjoy reading. Blurb Norylska Groans… with […]
SPFBO 7 Finalist Review: We Men of Ash and Shadow (The Vanguard Chronicles #1) by HL Tinsley
From Hamad @ The Book Prescription: I am thankful again to FanFiAddict for hosting me as a guest judge and for giving me the chance to write this post. The more finalists we read in this competition, the harder and harder it becomes to choose a favorite. I think all the books have good quality […]
The group of judges on the FFA team have collectively chosen the one (1) book out of their allotted thirty (30) that will make it into the pool of ten (10) finalists for SPFBO 7. Below, you will find a graphic of all thirty (30) titles allotted, a breakdown of the five (5) semifinalists chosen […]
SPFBO 7 Guest Post: Fear the Familiar by Leonard and Ann Marie Wilson
Hello everyone and welcome to our latest guest post for the 7th annual Self Published Fantasy Blog Off! I have been working on reaching out to each of the authors who have landed in our batch of books for the competition to see if they would be interested in being interviewed or contributing a guest article in an attempt to drum up a little extra excitement for their book and (hopefully) get to know them a bit better.