Stones of Light is the sequel to 2020’s Voice of War and the second book in Zack Argyle’s Threadlight trilogy. Although I had a few issues with the first book (you can read my spoiler free review here), I am happy to say that its sequel improved on every bit that made the first book great AND resolved my very minor gripes.
Review: Age of War (The Legends of the First Empire #3) by Michael J. Sullivan
Top 10 Books from the FanFiAddict Team
Review: Bloodline (Cradle #9) by Will Wight
Review: Promise of Blood (Powder Mage #1) by Brian McClellan
Review: Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn
Guest Post: Author D. Ellis Overttun
My slot on the blog today is a guest post from Author D. Ellis Overttun. It is a really thoughtful look at themes the author explores in his books as well as an excerpt from his upcoming release and 4th book, Mirror in Time. Enjoy!
Review: Red Rising (Red Rising Saga #1) by Pierce Brown
Review – Fortune’s Fool (Eterean Empire #1) by Angela Boord
Urban Fantasy Series I Want To Read
I am starting to really love Urban Fantasy. Ever since I started the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher and the Alex Verus series by Benedict Jacka I have been on the lookout for more Urban Fantasy series to read. Especially ones that involve some kind of magical detective or vigilante. I really enjoy Urban Fantasy […]
Review: Stones of Light (Threadlight #2) by Zack Argyle
Stones of Light by Zack Argyle is the sequel to 2020’s Voice of War and the second release in the author’s Threadlight series. I encourage you to read my review of Voice of War here, as I was impressed with Argyle’s ability to write relatable characters and intriguing, interweaving plot lines while still holding the main thread tight. And if book 1 is was an impressive debut, book 2 is where the author demonstrates his writing chops.
Review: Voice of War (Threadlight #1) by Zack Argyle
Synopsis While preparing for the birth of his first child, Chrys Valerian is tasked with uncovering the group responsible for a series of missing threadweavers–those able to see and manipulate threadlight. With each failure, the dark voice in his head grows louder, begging to be released. A young girl from a secret city in the […]