I found In the Watchful City to be a whimsical, almost poetic account of the relationship between Anima et al, technology, and the humans that inhabit Ora. For a novella, I think this book does a great job of demonstrating how complicated and interconnected these interactions can be.
16 Upcoming Science Fiction and Fantasy Books to be Excited About — June 2021
Hello all and welcome to FanFiAddict’s monthly list of books we think you should be excited about. We’re a little late in posting this month, but we didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to hype you up on some great science fiction and fantasy releases coming your way. So, without further ado, here’s a bunch of books we think you need to check out this month.
Review: Infomocracy (The Centenal Cycle #1) by Malka Older
It’s rare that I get fully engrossed in a fictional political narrative anymore. Sure, the vast number of Tom Clancy novels and movies deliver compelling, high-octane thrill rides, and The Manchurian Candidate (both the 1959 novel as well as the 1962 and 2004 films) still stands as one of the best election stories out there. But, when it comes down to it, the real world of politics (in the United States and elsewhere) is already rife with enough drama, deceit and decadence. Sometimes it’s just so damn tiring—and all of this coming from me, a genuine political junky. (On top of it all, most political stories just aren’t that good.) So, it came as a wonderful surprise when I read Malka Older’s debut novel, Infomocracy, that I found myself invested in a story so distinctly political again.
15 Upcoming Sci-Fi and Fantasy Releases to Keep an Eye on — May 2021
Hello everyone and welcome to FanFiAddict’s monthly attempt at adding to your already burgeoning TBR pile! We hope to draw your attention to a few of this month’s upcoming releases in the Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror genres that we are particularly excited for. So, without further preamble, say a prayer for your bank balance and your TBR and check out the list below!
Mini-Review: Hard Reboot by Django Wexler
Hard Reboot is a lot of fun, and I think it is really well-rounded for a novella. I was impressed at how author Django Wexler was able to incorporate so many different aspects of a story into only 150 pages.
Author Chat – Martha Wells
Review: Fugitive Telemetry (The Murderbot Diaries #6) by Martha Wells
You all heard that right: It’s a Murderbot Murder Mystery! Your favorite human-hating android is back with a brand-new mission: find the killer. And I have to say that author Martha Wells proves her genius over and over again by putting Murderbot into different types of situations and scenarios and demands that it find a way out.
Review: Network Effect (The Murderbot Diaries #5) by Martha Wells
Network Effect is book #5 in Martha Wells’ The Murderbot Diaries, and the first full-length novel in the series. I gave the previously-released 4-novella set a glowing review here. As for my review of Network Effect, you are going to find more of the same.
Artist Chat – Tommy Arnold
Recommended Reading: The Murderbot Diaries (#1-4) by Martha Wells
Let’s not bury the lede, here, and get right to the crux of what makes The Murderbot Diaries what it is: the rogue SecUnit known as Murderbot, though not everyone knows its name.
10 Upcoming Sci-Fi and Fantasy Releases to Watch For – March 2021
Welcome to FanFiAddict’s monthly list of Science Fiction and Fantasy books we think you should look out for. They are listed alphabetically as well as by release date, so a book appearing higher or lower on this list than you expected it to has no relative bearing on our hype-levels nor our expectation of quality. Now, buckle up, sit back, and enjoy the ride.