Synopsis A riveting, haunting sequel to the New York Times bestselling thriller Chasing the Boogeyman—a tale of obsession and the adulation of evil, exploring modern society’s true-crime obsession with unflinching honesty, sparing no one from the glare of the spotlight. Will those involved walk away from the story of a lifetime in order to keep […]
Richard Chizmar
16 New Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror Books to Break Your TBR — August 2021
Hello everyone and welcome to this month’s attempt at hawking a pile a books at you! You may be wondering why there are so many on this month’s list. First, thank you for noticing. Reading comprehension, ace. Second, there’s just so many great books releasing this month! Truly, it’s unbelievable how many there are and I’ll have you know that I had to leave a TON of great books off the list in order to pare it down to a (somewhat) reasonable level. This list is all killer, no filler. Take a look.