A little bit of a “in case you missed it” type post with full panel recordings. Check the promos above each video to see the topics and panelists. Hope you enjoy!
Oathbreaker by A.J. Rettger
Review: The Trouble with Peace by Joe Abercrombie (The Age of Madness #2)
Review: A Little Hatred (The Age of Madness #1) by Joe Abercrombie
Review: Black Stone Heart (The Obsidian Path #1) by Michael R. Fletcher
TBRcon21 Recap: Saturday, January 30th
TBRcon21 Recap: Friday, January 29th
A little bit of a “in case you missed it” type post with full panel recordings. Check the promos above each video to see the topics and panelists. Hope you enjoy!
Author Reading – Jordan Loyal Short
Come listen to Jordan Loyal Short read the prologue from his novel ‘The Skald’s Black Verse (Dreadbound Ode #1)’