Synopsis: Elemental Forces is the fifth volume in the non-themed horror series of original stories, showcasing the very best short fiction that the genre has to offer, and edited by Mark Morris. This new anthology contains 20 original horror stories, 16 of which have been commissioned from some of the top names in horror, and 4 […]
Christina Henry
Review: The House That Horror Built by Christina Henry
Synopsis: Single mom Harry Adams has always loved horror movies, so when she’s offered a job cleaning for revered horror director Javier Castillo, she leaps at the chance. His forbidding Chicago mansion, Bright Horses, is filled from top to bottom with terrifying props and costumes, as well as glittering awards from his decades-long career making […]
Review: Good Girls Don’t Die by Christina Henry
This is my first book by Henry and while maybe this specific one wasn’t entirely it for me, I did like her writing style enough to want to give her other works a go. Her prose flows and adjusts its pace to fit the exact type of situation she wants to carry across in the most efficient manner.
10 Upcoming Sci-Fi and Fantasy Releases to Keep on Your Radar – April 2021
Hello all, and welcome to FanFiAddict’s monthly list aimed at the impressionable youth! I mean, aimed at setting your vision globes in the general direction of some forthcoming Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror books that we are full of beans about. So, without further ado, take a look at the list below and get your wallets ready to order some new books.
Review: Near The Bone by Christina Henry
Do you remember a time where you were sitting around a campfire and told creepy stories to scare each other? Well, Near The Bone is a story that would be worth telling before you send your troops to bed. It got the tropes of a Stephen king novel, about human beings at their worst or best, mixed with a chilling story involving a beast in the woods. “We came up here to do some research and now we’re in a horror movie with a monster and an unkillable redneck with a gun.”
Giveaway: The Girl in Red by Christina Henry
Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we at FanFiAddict will be hosting a giveaway for one (1) finished copy of Christina Henry’s newest novel, The Girl in Red. You can see all the details about the book below. It is coined as a “post-apocalyptic take on Little Red Riding Hood” and is […]