Review: The Blade Itself (The First Law #1) by Joe Abercrombie
5 SFF Books Under 300 Pages That I Really Enjoyed
Review: A Chorus of Fire (The Sorcerer’s Song #2) by Brian D. Anderson
Cover Reveal: The Weeping Sigil (The Dreadbound Ode #2) by Jordan Loyal Short
Why You Should Watch The Peaky Blinders
There are times where I just want to talk about my favorite things, whether they be books or something else. I was having a conversation with a friend that is currently going through this series and it reminded me how incredible it is. So I figured I would make a post about it and tell […]
Blog Tour: The Apocalypse Strain by Jason Parent
Welcome to my stop on the blog for The Apocalypse Strain by Jason Parent. Book and author information are below. Enjoy!
Review: The Bone Shard Daughter (The Drowning Empire #1) by Andrea Stewart
Review: Pivot (The Jack Harper Trilogy #1) by L. C. Barlow
My Top 10 Favorite Single Books of All Time
Author Chat – RJ Barker
Gather ’round and listen to RJ and David chat about life, writing, antlers, The Bone Ships, Girton Clubfoot, and anything else under the sun.