Synopsis In the sequel to The Last Raven, Lucas Rurik confronts a cult determined to remake the world—no matter the cost—in this urban fantasy noir from the author of the Hellequin Chronicles. Lucas Rurik is no stranger to navigating the tricky territory between humans and those touched by the rift. After all, as the last […]
The Fangs of War (The Blood and Steel Saga #1) by E.J. Doble
Synopsis After the brutal execution of Provenci’s King by the roving forces of Tarraz, a new military government vaults into power with the nefarious Alvarez at the helm. Hell-bent on bloodshed and the glory of an imperial past, he amasses the largest army seen in a generation and plunges the two nations into a bloody […]
TBRCon2023 Highlight: Gaslamp Fantasy & the Modern Gothic (Panel)
Every week, we are highlighting a panel from TBRCon2023, looking back on the amazing variety of panels that we had the honor of hosting.
This week, join moderator/author Krystle Matar and authors Ava Reid, Nicole Glover, HL Tinsley, Chris Patrick Carolan and Trudie Skies for a TBRCon2023 author panel on “Gaslamp Fantasy & the Modern Gothic”.
Cover Reveal: Writers of the Future, Volume 39
I have the honor of helping reveal the cover for Writers of the Future, volume 39! This is a collection of short stories by new and unpublished authors who have been vetted and judged by authors of the highest degree and experience such as Orson Scott Card and Brandon Sanderson. Check out the some more […]
World Book Day 2023: Books That Are Special To Us
We celebrate World Book Day 2023 by talking about books that are special to us!
Author Q&A: Stark Holborn (Ten Low, Hel’s Eight)
Stark Holborn broke new ground with her acclaimed novel, Ten Low. It’s the definitive sci-fi spaghetti western, setting the bar for genre-bending speculative fiction. It takes a rare talent to write a book that’s both incredibly cool on the surface, and deeply layered — combining the best of literary and pulp novels to fantastic effect […]
Review: The Magician’s Daughter by H.G. Parry
Cozy, atmospheric fantasy set in a historical setting. The kind of book that makes you feel as if magic is real.
Book Tour Review: The Way of Unity (Velspar – Elegies Book 1) by Sarah K. Balstrup
The Seven Lands of Velspar put their faith in the Intercessors, a psychic priesthood responsible for the purification of the spirit. Where passion flares, they soothe its intent. Those who cannot be soothed, are cast out, their spirits destroyed by fire.
Review: Quantum Radio by AG Riddle
Synopsis At CERN, a scientist has just made an incredible discovery – a breakthrough that may answer the deepest questions about human existence. But what he’s found is far more dangerous than he ever imagined. Dr. Tyson Klein is a quantum physicist who has dedicated his entire life to his research. At CERN, he analyses […]
SFF Addicts Ep. 42: Writing Beginnings with Chelsea Abdullah (Mini-Masterclass)
Join co-hosts Adrian M. Gibson and M.J. Kuhn as they delve into a mini-masterclass on Writing Beginnings with author Chelsea Abdullah. During the episode, Chelsea shares her takes on the intricacies of openings: why beginnings are so important (for both readers and agents/editors), balancing character and worldbuilding in an opening chapter, the pros and cons of prologues, kick-ass first lines, writing beginnings for multiple POV characters and more.
Review: A Crack in the World by James F. Mordechai
A Crack in the World is fast-paced action from page one and at no point does Mordechai let the pace slow. This is 300+ pages of plot and I was totally absorbed the whole time. You’re thrown into the action with the first few chapters bouncing between ’12 hours’ and ‘one month’ earlier, and that really reels you in because you get to see where the story is going, but not how you’re going to get there. Plus you get a great idea of how weird things will become..
Author Roundtable: Indie Marketing (with Kian N. Ardalan, Ryan Cahill, Aparna Verma & Gourav Mohanty)
Join authors Kian N. Ardalan, Ryan Cahill, Aparna Verma and Gourav Mohanty for FanFiAddict’s very first author roundtable! During the discussion, these four talented authors share their takes on Indie Marketing, exploring how they have marketed their books, methods for successful marketing, social media platforms and more.
This is the first edition of our monthly AUTHOR ROUNDTABLE series, where we bring a handful of authors together to discuss a topic related to SF/F/H, writing craft, publishing and more.