Bird Box
Top Reads of 2020
What’s up everyone. The end of the year has arrived and with it comes the season of lists. Best movies, TV shows, songs, books, etc. of 2020. Below I have compiled our reviewers’ Top Reads of the year. A majority of covers have links to reviews if you would like to see why we loved […]
Review: A House at the Bottom of a Lake by Josh Malerman
Author Chat – Emily Carpenter
Gather ’round as David chats with author Emily Carpenter about life, writing, the Southern Gotchic genre, and her newest release, Reviving the Hawthorn Sisters.
Review: Malorie (Bird Box #2) by Josh Malerman
Podcast Alert! Ep. 6 – Josh Malerman is now LIVE
Top Reads of 2019
What’s up everyone. The end of the year has arrived and with it comes the season of lists. Best movies, TV shows, songs, books, etc of 2019. The thing I have found fascinating is that people begin posting their “Best Of” lists in December, which completely negates anything you would get to in the entire […]