Cover Reveal: Finding Your Harpy Place by D.H. Willison
5 Science Fiction Books I Want to Read
With SciFiMonth 2020 (click here to join) coming up in November I decided to look through my TBR and come up with the 5 Sci Fi books that I want to get to sooner rather than later. Fantasy is my comfort zone, but I want to get into more Science Fiction in the near future. […]
Review: We Are The Dead (The Last War #1) by Mike Shackle
Review: The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow
Author Chat – P. Djèlí Clark
Gather ’round and listen to David chat with author P. Djèlí Clark about his life, writing, and his upcoming release, Ring Shout, coming from Tor.com Publishing on October 13th.