Synopsis On a creepy island where everyone has a strange obsession with the year 1994, a newcomer arrives, hoping to learn the truth about her son’s death–but finds herself pulled deeper and deeper into the bizarrely insular community and their complicated rules… Clifford Island. When Willow Stone finds these words written on the floor of […]
Fear For All
Guest Review: 101 Horror Books to Read Before You’re Murdered by Sadie “Mother Horror” Hartmann
Synopsis The Ultimate List of Must-Read Horror Curious readers and fans of monsters and the macabre, get ready to bulk up your TBR piles! Sadie “Mother Horror” Hartmann has curated the best selection of modern horror books, including plenty of deep cuts. Indulge your heart’s darkest desires to be terrified, unsettled, disgusted, and heartbroken with […]
Review: Candy Cain Kills (Killer VHS Series #2) by Brian McAuley
Celebrate your festive season in gore-soaked style with a slasher that does everything right Synopsis When Austin’s parents drag him and his little sister Fiona to a remote cottage for Christmas, he’s less than thrilled about the forced bonding exercise. But after learning that their holiday getaway was the site of a horrific crime, this […]
Review: Whalefall by Daniel Kraus
Synopsis The Martian meets 127 Hours in this “powerfully humane” (Owen King, New York Times bestselling author) and scientifically accurate thriller about a scuba diver who’s been swallowed by an eighty-foot, sixty-ton sperm whale and has only one hour to escape before his oxygen runs out. Jay Gardiner has given himself a fool’s errand—to find the remains of his deceased father […]
Review: That Light Sublime – The Massacre at Yellow Hill and A Red Winter in the West – by C.S. Humble
A woman mourns after the death of her husband in the mines at Yellow Hill, Texas. She wonders how she will feed her children. A freed slave wanders the Texas planes with his adopted son, a teenager with a colorful family history. Either of these might be the set up for a John Ford western, […]
Review: A Moonlit Path of Madness by Catherine McCarthy
A new twist on the gothic genre that will haunt your dreams Synopsis Grief haunts her every step. Inheriting a family heirloom in the form of an antique clock with a broken moon dial as well as a seaside house in Wales, Grace Morgan mourns the loss of her mother and dreads the manifestation of […]
Review: The Corset by Laura Purcell
If nuanced character work calls to you, you don’t shy away from gothic horror with explicit gore, and you want something that keeps you on the edge of your seat with you breath held tight, dear reader, you’ll devour this cleverly woven book.
Review: Rise of One (Blood Brute #1) by Dixon Reuel
Synopsis I’m a vampire in a secluded, hidden coven. A zombie apocalypse has ravaged humanity. We only have one human to feed on inside our walls. If he dies, we die. If every human turns into a zombie, we die. If we don’t leave our shielded home and find human survivors, we’ll die. If none […]
Review: Paradise 1 by David Wellington
In conclusion, if you love constant action, elements of horror all wrapped up in well-defined science fiction details, then go read David Wellington’s Paradise 1.
Review: Sister, Maiden, Monster by Lucy A. Snyder
So I read this exclusively on my work commutes and still managed to finish it in just a few days. This book is addictive and it’s a miracle I never missed my stop. Sister, Maiden, Monster does that thing where the book is weird and then the last 50 pages go absolutely insane, and I was totally here for it.
Review: Gothghul Hollow (Tales of Mhurghast #1) by Anna Stephens
Stephens grabs you by the throat and pulls you through this journey of buried truths, gothic magic, the colour purple, and plenty of savage action sequences. It’s like a fine gourmet meal!