Synopsis In this Southern gothic horror debut, a young Black woman abandons her life in 1960s Chicago for a position with a mysterious family in New Orleans, only to discover the dark truth. They’re under a curse, and they think she can break it. In the fall of 1962, twenty-seven-year-old Jemma Barker is desperate to […]
gothic horror
Review: The Folly by Gemma Amor
Synopsis From Bram Stoker and British Fantasy Award nominated author Gemma Amor comes an atmospheric gothic mystery that will haunt you long after the final page is turned. Morgan always knew her father, Owen, never murdered her mother, and has spent the last six years campaigning for his release from prison. Finally he is set free, […]
Review: Looking Glass Sound by Catriona Ward
Synopsis Looking Glass Sound is the newest twisty psychological horror novel from Catriona Ward, the internationally bestselling author of The Last House on Needless Street and Sundial. In a lonely cottage overlooking the windswept Maine coast, Wilder Harlow begins the last book he will ever write. It is the story of his childhood summer companions and the killer that stalked […]
Author Chat: Antonia Rachel Ward (DreamScape)
Antonia Rachel Ward is an author of horror and speculative fiction based in Cambridgeshire, UK. As well as a considerable body of short story work and poetry, she has published two novellas, Marionette and Attack of the Killer Tumbleweeds, and her first novel, DreamScape, is released on 24th October. You can find my 9.5/10 review […]
Review: A Moonlit Path of Madness by Catherine McCarthy
A new twist on the gothic genre that will haunt your dreams Synopsis Grief haunts her every step. Inheriting a family heirloom in the form of an antique clock with a broken moon dial as well as a seaside house in Wales, Grace Morgan mourns the loss of her mother and dreads the manifestation of […]