Synopsis: Young Errol Winston arrives in London in search of a job and a better life, but he finds himself homeless when the city’s racist landlords refuse to rent to him. At last he seems to have a stroke of good luck when he accidentally winds up at the front door of Mr and Mrs […]
Review: Come With Me by Ronald Malfi
Synopsis: Aaron Decker’s life changes one December morning when his wife Allison is killed. Haunted by her absence—and her ghost—Aaron goes through her belongings, where he finds a receipt for a motel room in another part of the country. Piloted by grief and an increasing sense of curiosity, Aaron embarks on a journey to discover […]
Review: Joyland by Stephen King
Synopsis: A STUNNING NEW NOVEL FROM ONE OF THE BEST-SELLING AUTHORS OF ALL TIME! The #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! Set in a small-town North Carolina amusement park in 1973, Joyland tells the story of the summer in which college student Devin Jones comes to work as a carny and confronts the legacy of a […]
Review: The Graveyard Shift by Maria Lewis
On the postcard/author letter that came with my copy Maria Lewis describes The Graveyard Shift as ‘my wee love letter to Final Girls, slashers, pop culture, hip hop, film history, true crime, media literacy and horror movies’ & if you’re a horror fan that’s everything you need to know about this book. I highly, highly recommend that you go and grab a copy to read this spooky season.
Why You Should Read The Carter Archives by Dan Stout
Ever since I picked up Dan Stout’s debut novel Titanshade, the first book in The Carter Archives series, I was swept up in its gritty, ‘70s-inspired noir atmosphere, its genuine protagonist and fascinating world. Dan Stout marries the noir vibe so perfectly with an original fantastical world, that The Carter Archives quickly became one of my all-time favorite series. Read this to find out more about why I think you should read this series.