The story of Descartesmageddon lies in a zombie tale. The aliens on this planet are living through their own version of a zombie apocalypse, complete with barricaded safe hubs, zombies that are attracted to noise and roam at night, and the idea that you’re never quite safe. There’s also a philosophical element here about what makes someone human, as it isn’t quite the zombie plague you expect.
Chris Farnell
Review: Fermi’s Progress: Dyson’s Fear (Fermi’s Progress #1) by Chris Farnell
Dyson’s Fear puts us on a brand new planet. A strange, inexplicable place brimming with intelligent life, and a city that floats on the river (which I’m fascinated by). Complete with its own religion and philosophies Chris has a flair for creating new worlds that are rich in culture. Honestly I could read a whole series set on this planet and still want to know more!