What is Escapist Book Tours?
Justin and Sara have come together to create Escapist Book Tours. Their goal is to help get the word out about your work by working with talented and passionate bloggers, Instagrammers, and YouTubers across the internet to provide targeted and consistent engagement for a short period of time. Whether you’re gearing up for a new release, searching for new interest in your backlist, or just want that extra boost that comes from seeing your book in the limelight, they want to help promote your book! Promotion can be one of the hardest aspects of being a creative and their goal is to help take a little of the weight off of your shoulders.
They offer several services that can help drive attention toward your book, including promotional cover/map reveals and mini/full virtual tours. They also offer custom packages so if you don’t see what you’re looking for just reach out and they will do all they can to accomdate you!
Their audience is primarily geared toward Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror, however they are always willing to take a look at whatever you have to see if it will be a good fit. They are only accepting first installments in a series or standalones at this point, unless they have toured previous books in a given series. They will only accept sequels to books that they have not toured on a case by case basis.
Follow Escapist Book Tours on social media with the links below!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/escapist_tours/
Twitter: https://.twitter.com/Escapist_Tours
About the Founders of Escapist Book Tours:

Justin is a lover of all things SFF and has been an avid reader since he was three. He is attempting to build the world’s largest private library (not really, but ask his wife and she might agree). Justin is always excited to gush over his favorite reads, which more often than not are also his latest reads. His likes trend toward sweeping epics, with complex characters and even more complex plots. Until recently he was totally against romance, but certain books have shown him that it can be done well. He currently has a love/hate relationship with grimdark.
You can find him on Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads @plot_head. He also reviews on this website FanFiAddict, where he champions self-published books and runs a series on Neurodivergence in Fiction.

Sara has been an avid reader of SFF since she was a little girl annoying her parents by constantly reading at the table. More recently (and more relevantly) she was convinced by her cousin Lilly to co-host Fiction Fans Podcast, and that sent her spiraling down the Book Twitter hole. Her TBR may never recover. She is thrilled to be combining forces with Justin on Escapist Book Tours even though that’s probably going to be pretty bad for her tbr, too.
She can be found on Twitter and Instagram @svmcaro or @fictionfanspod. You can find out more about Fiction Fans Podcast on their website, https://www.fictionfanspodcast.com/, or you can listen to it wherever you get your podcasts.
Escapist Book Tour Packages and Costs

Bookings form:
Want to book a tour with Escapist Book Tours? Here’s the link to do so!

Join the Escapist Army (newsletter sign-up):

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